Soirée spéciale « Audencia Sport Business Influencers’ party » - vendredi 24 novembre - Paris
- Keep In Touch
- Le 13 novembre 2017
A l’occasion des 25 ans du MS MOS, une soirée spéciale « Audencia Sport Business Influencers’ party » est organisée le vendredi 24 novembre 2017 à « La Baleine Blanche » sur les quais de Seine à partir de 19h00.
Vous êtes plus de 500 diplômés d’Audencia à travailler aujourd’hui pour les meilleures organisations (ASO, clubs pros, fédérations…) et sur les plus grands projets (Paris 2024, FIFA-WWC19…) de l’industrie du sport en France et dans le monde. Cette soirée est pour vous !
Les bonnes raisons de venir :
- Venez retrouver vos copains de promotion
- Booster votre réseau professionnel en rencontrant des diplômés aux parcours variés et influents dans le monde du sport
- Echanger sur votre parcours et votre retour d’expérience avec d’autres diplômés
- Passer un bon moment dans un cadre convivial et festif dans un lieu atypique et plein de charme sur les quais de Seine
Au programme :
- Retour sur l’évolution du programme MOS
- Des animations ludiques et décalées pour vous présenter ce que deviennent les diplômés du MOS, un jeu pour connecter entre vous
- Une remise de prix
- D’autres surprises à venir
Venez nombreux !
Dans la même catégorie
Connecting people at Huawei and beyond
Daisy Wang, International Master in Management (2012) Background After two years focused on fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), Daisy Wang decided to change her career path and accept a position with leading global information and communications technology (ICT) provider Huawei. “Huawei needed someone like me with business training who can speak three languages,” explains Daisy, who speaks English, French and Chinese. Before earning her International Master in Management from Audencia Business School, Daisy earned a Bachelor of English from Zhejiang University (China) – and during her Audencia internship in Paris, she began really working on her French. “During the workday, we’d communicate in English, but after work, everyone spoke in French. I am communication-oriented, so I was very motivated to learn French well!” After graduating, Daisy took additional French language courses to improve her fluency. Current occupation Daisy started at Huawei Technologies France in 2015 as an event coordinator and assistant to the president. She has since worked her way up to B2B Client Relations Management (CRM) Specialist. “I was actually very lucky to start at Huawei as the assistant to the director. I learned a lot. It is a great position to give you a complete picture of the departments and processes.” Currently, her primary responsibility is handling Huawei’s client relations with Orange, one of the largest operators of mobile and internet services in Europe and Africa. “Orange is a valuable partner – an important global account. I work with their headquarters and affiliates to manage the entire account,” she says. This means Daisy supervises all of Orange’s individual account managers at Huawei to coordinate strategy and information flow, setting the standard for everyone to follow. “This work requires project management and market analysis. And it can be a bit political, with various ‘votes’ from members of the larger client group.” Motivation Daisy says she always wanted to join a top 500 company – but at first, it was a bit difficult to get established within the European market. “I really wanted to gain a deep understanding of the French market through my work, but companies kept wanting to send me back to China to work.” Then an opportunity opened up at Huawei. “Huawei Technologies France is centralised. Our headquarters are in France, so we speak French, but we also need people who can speak Chinese and understand Chinese culture, as well as speak English. Huawei is very international and has a huge impact on the telecom sector. We don’t follow the market; we influence the market,” she says. Daisy admits there’s a steep learning curve going from B2C to B2B, but she believes that working in client relations management is a good way to enter the sector. “It is quite easy to understand and manage things from this angle.” Still in her first year in the position of CRM Specialist, Daisy starts work early and finishes late. “But this is necessary for a beginner,” she says. “Eventually, I want to be a high-level manager so that I can share my experience with younger employees and help people improve their work.” Personal interests and passions “Travel and fashion! After my Audencia internship in Paris, I was a fashion buyer for six months and could really follow the trends. I still try to, but it’s a bit harder now with this challenging job,” she laughs. Staying in touch with Audencia Daisy participates in Audencia Alumni events when she can – especially networking, and discussions and trainings on finance, marketing and digital marketing. “I think these activities are quite amazing.” She also keeps in touch with classmates via social media. Daisy wants current Audencia students to reach out to her if they need guidance or are interested in internship opportunities. “Audencia is one of the main reasons I’ve been able to achieve my goals, so I’m happy to help. Our business at Huawei Technologies France is always developing, and we have a lot of openings for jobs and internships.” Advice to students and graduates Daisy’s advice is to make a plan. “Figure out what you want as soon as possible. Maybe your path won’t be exactly what you planned, but you have to have a general idea of what you want. Eventually, you will get there.” Most memorable experience at Audencia Daisy has fond memories of a business competition that she participated in through Audencia while in Barcelona. “I was part of the finance team, and it was quite a good experience in building the multicultural teamwork skills that I use now in my job.” Daisy’s colleagues at Huawei are French, Chinese and international. She says meetings may start in English, move to French, and then transition to Chinese. She coordinates so that everyone stays on the same page. “All the teamwork and projects at Audencia have helped me function effectively in Huawei’s multicultural work environment.”
- Keep In Touch
- Le 18 oct. 2017
Lancement de l'Ebdo, journal papier à l'ère du numérique
Rencontre avec l'équipe de l'Ebdo le mardi 28 novembre au Mediacampus. Ebdo, c’est un journal papier à l’ère du numérique, sans publicité et totalement indépendant. Le premier numéro sortira le 12 janvier 2018, disponible en kiosque et sur abonnement. Ebdo parlera de l'actualité mais aussi des choses du quotidien et des initiatives solidaires, pour nous donner envie de faire avec nos mains et d'agir avec les autres. A l’occasion d’une soirée conçue en partenariat avec le Club de la Presse de Nantes et Audencia Business School, venez rencontrer l’équipe fondatrice d’Ebdo pour débattre des grandes questions du journalisme. Qu’attendez-vous d’Ebdo ? Pourquoi faire le choix du papier ? Quel business model ? Quelle place accorder au numérique ? En quoi Ebdo peut-il ré-enchanter le journalisme et redonner confiance aux médias ? Autant de questions à poser directement à l’équipe présente sur le MEDIACAMPUS d’Audencia le 28 novembre ! Inscription par ici.
- Keep In Touch
- Le 24 nov. 2017
Autres actualités
International communities in Tel-Aviv and Amsterdam
Two new international communities have just been set up. Tel-Aviv Ambassador Delphine Grouckho (GE 15) is Media Manager at PrimeRoll in Tel-Aviv and is looking forward to creating connections with the small community of Audencia alumni in the city but also to linking up with wider networks in the area. "It would be great if we could include alumni from the alliance [Centrale Nantes and ensa Nantes] in our events" she says. Join the Tel-Aviv community on Together! Amsterdam Ambassador Matthieu Vonthron (GE 05) is a Manager at Deloitte in Amsterdam and has been thinking about launching the alumni community for several months. Join the Amsterdam community on Together and keep up to date with events and activities! Audencia is delighted to welcome these two highly motivated ambassadors!
- Get Involved
- Le 10 nov. 2017
Présentation de NMcube, un nouvel incubateur
Jeudi 16 novembre, à 18h30, au campus Audencia Business School à Paris présentation du nouveau programme d'incubation NMcube. Audencia SciencesCom et Polytech s'associent à deux clusters, Ouest Médialab et Creative Factory pour ouvrir un programme d’incubation afin d’accompagner les médias émergents et les entreprises qui développent des services innovants à l’attention des éditeurs de contenus. Ce dispositif est né d’un constat : dans un contexte où les modèles économiques traditionnels des médias et les relations avec l’audience ont besoin d’être réinventés, les porteurs de projets ont plus que jamais besoin d’un accompagnement renforcé et adapté pour réussir à créer de nouveaux médias sur le territoire. 10 entreprises incubées chaque année Le programme d’incubation ouvrira en janvier 2018. Les entreprises sélectionnées pourront bénéficier d’un hébergement, de conseil et coaching personnalisés, d’un socle de formation aux médias numériques (140 heures de formations dispensées par des professionnels) et expérimenter des projets lors d’un hackathon. L'appel à candidatures est ouvert jusqu'au 22 novembre. Pour tout savoir sur ce nouvel incubateur (quelles conditions pour être éligible, quel dispositif d’accompagnement, comment candidater etc.), rendez-vous le jeudi 16 novembre au campus d'Audencia Business School à Paris, à 18h30. Inscription
- Career Center
- Le 14 nov. 2017