International communities in Tel-Aviv and Amsterdam
- Get Involved
- Le 10 novembre 2017

Ambassador Delphine Grouckho (GE 15) is Media Manager at PrimeRoll in Tel-Aviv and is looking forward to creating connections with the small community of Audencia alumni in the city but also to linking up with wider networks in the area. "It would be great if we could include alumni from the alliance [Centrale Nantes and ensa Nantes] in our events" she says.
Join the Tel-Aviv community on Together!

Ambassador Matthieu Vonthron (GE 05) is a Manager at Deloitte in Amsterdam and has been thinking about launching the alumni community for several months.
Join the Amsterdam community on Together and keep up to date with events and activities!
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Dans la même catégorie
Audencia Alumni invite les diplômés à partager leurs attentes
Votre réseau des diplômés, Audencia Alumni, ne cesse de s’enrichir et de se développer. Il réunit aujourd’hui plus de 23 000 diplômés à travers le monde, issus de tous les programmes d’Audencia Business School (Grande Ecole, Bachelor, Sciences Com, MBA, Masters spécialisés, etc…). Pour ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives et continuer à se développer, Audencia Alumni lance une grande consultation et invite chaque diplômé à partager sa vision, ses attentes et aspirations. Surveillez vos boîtes mail. Demain, Mardi 17 octobre, vous y recevrez un lien personnalisé vers le questionnaire en ligne Audencia Alumni. Quel que soit votre actuel niveau d’engagement ou de participation dans le réseau, votre avis est essentiel pour nous aider à consolider et à faire rayonner Audencia Alumni.
- Get Involved
- Le 16 oct. 2017
Bringing students together, sharing a sense of pride – organising ICF, the intercultural festival
Prathiba, IMM student, talks about her experience organising ICF 2017 Prathiba Koorapati Lakshmipathy, IMM 19, arrived at Audencia last September and in the first few weeks attended an information session about ICF, Audencia’s annual intercultural festival organised by students. “At first I just wanted to volunteer to do some dancing” she says, ”but very soon I got involved in planning the event itself and ended up organising the event". The biggest challenge was convincing fellow students to work for the event. “As I am new to Audencia and its culture, it was difficult for me to reach out people" Prathiba says. "I was lucky to have the support of the school", she continues. Prathiba stresses that the success of the event is not hers alone and give a special mention to fellow student Arjun Carmelino. When the big day came Prathiba was quite relaxed and even had time to enjoy herself. She spent time going round the stands and talking to participants. For Prathiba, the highlight was definitely the salsa dancing. “Seeing students from so many different nationalities all dancing together felt really good – a great achievement”. Prathiba hopes to come to ICF again next year, just before she graduates. “For the 2018 edition, I would love to see more acts and more involvement from French students” she says.
- Get Involved
- Le 29 nov. 2017
Autres actualités
Audencia's new webinar season due to begin on 16th November
Between autumn 2016 and spring 2017, Audencia offered alumni and students five webinars on careers issues. Registration levels were consistently high with 31% of registrants attending live (next day replays are systematically available). For each webinar individual presenters were rated as "good" or "excellent". The new season of careers webinars will start on 16th November with speaker Lauren Rivera, associate professor of management at Kellogg School of Management. She will provide insights into how elite companies hire, drawing on her award-winning research into hiring practices at elite professional services firms. She aims to show how the hiring process works, what qualities firms prize in candidates and how they ultimately choose who to hire. "Judging by last season's feedback, we are confident that the coming webinar series will be just as inspiring!", says Shyla du Cosquer, Audencia Careers consultant. "The positive feedback we received last season focused on several areas, including quality of content, presenter knowledge, and format & interactivity". "Great content and very good examples. Very relevant to the work place environment" "... a passionate and excellent presenter. Very knowledgeable" "Good mix of going through material and answering questions. Discussion really added to the slides" Interested? Follow this link to register These webinars are free for Audencia students and alumni (don't forget to use the AUDstudent promotional code when registering)!
- Career Center
- Le 27 oct. 2017
Soirée spéciale « Audencia Sport Business Influencers’ party » - vendredi 24 novembre - Paris
A l’occasion des 25 ans du MS MOS, une soirée spéciale « Audencia Sport Business Influencers’ party » est organisée le vendredi 24 novembre 2017 à « La Baleine Blanche » sur les quais de Seine à partir de 19h00. Vous êtes plus de 500 diplômés d’Audencia à travailler aujourd’hui pour les meilleures organisations (ASO, clubs pros, fédérations…) et sur les plus grands projets (Paris 2024, FIFA-WWC19…) de l’industrie du sport en France et dans le monde. Cette soirée est pour vous ! Les bonnes raisons de venir : Venez retrouver vos copains de promotion Booster votre réseau professionnel en rencontrant des diplômés aux parcours variés et influents dans le monde du sport Echanger sur votre parcours et votre retour d’expérience avec d’autres diplômés Passer un bon moment dans un cadre convivial et festif dans un lieu atypique et plein de charme sur les quais de Seine Au programme : Retour sur l’évolution du programme MOS Des animations ludiques et décalées pour vous présenter ce que deviennent les diplômés du MOS, un jeu pour connecter entre vous Une remise de prix D’autres surprises à venir Venez nombreux ! INSCRIPTION
- Keep In Touch
- Le 13 nov. 2017