Learning about a country’s cultures and traditions before going to work there
- Keep In Touch
- Le 12 avril 2017
Current position: Area Manager Travel Retail, Middel East & Indian subcontinent, Godiva Chocolatier
About my company: Food and beverages industry, approximately $765 million, 1001-5000 employees
Degree earned at Audencia: GE 10
Nationality: French
Residence: Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
My world
Dubai is an island compared to the rest of the Middle East, in the sense that it is open to foreigners and everything has been made easy for them.
Of course, there are still certain rules -very different from Europe- which you need to be aware and respectful of. I strongly recommend reading about the city, the Arabic culture and tradition before deciding to settle down.
Culture shock: Adapting to a new environment, culture and people are always challenging. From a work perspective, things might not be as rigorous and straightforward as in Europe. You have to understand these differences in order to deliver quickly.
Fun fact: It is always amusing to see the in shopping malls an Emirati woman dressed in her elegant, black abaya next to an expat woman wearing a mini short. There are a lot of prejudices about Dubai, including that women are not allowed to dress like in Europe.
Why choose an international career?
Always wanted to live abroad and discover new cultures. My key learning point was better understanding of the Arab culture and the Middle East in general.
“It is interesting to see that Dubai welcomes other cultures.”
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Using the school’s job board to identify internship opportunities
Name: Jade Siméon Current position: Intern - Assistant of Marketing & Communication, Es Saadi Marrakech Resort About my company: Hospitality industry, 501-1000 employees Degree earned at Audencia: Current student GE 18 Nationality: French Residence: Marrakech - Morocco “Soft skills are the most important when working abroad: adaptability and open-mindedness! Language skills are obviously necessary, but they are easier to improve.” My work My role: Marketing & Communication Assistant, Es Saadi Marrakech Resort, Morocco, assisting the Marketing & Digital Manager and the Partnership & Events Manager. Soft skills: Solid interpersonal skills/adaptability/open-mindedness/creativity/rigorous/proactive. Hard skills: MSOffice (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook). How it started: Thanks to my previous operational experience in a luxury hotel abroad (Sofitel Gendarmenmarkt Berlin), my motivation, my “multicultural mind” I developed. All this served as a competitive advantage. Having already worked in Berlin, I did not plan to look for another internship. But the possibility of discovering the Arabic world was very attractive to me! Plus the advert was posted on Audencia Tomorrow, it was easy to apply! My world Culture shock: When I arrived in Berlin, my German skills were not as good as I thought. It was quite difficult to communicate and suddenly dive into an exclusive German speaking world! Fun fact: Experiencing the Ramadan was very enriching! Doing the “Ftour” (large meals to break the fast) was a great experience after a few days of fasting... Why choose an international career? Because I am basically “multicultural”: I am French but have Vietnamese origins, I love the German culture and spent several months there, I am interested in Latino dancing... It fulfils me to discover other cultures, lifestyles, landscapes and people. I absolutely want to gain professional experience abroad; in every country if possible! Audencia Careers says “Jade did not particularly plan to go abroad for her next internship. However she came across the offer on "MyAudenciaNetwork" (ex Together), grabbed the opportunity and it turned out to be one of her most rewarding experiences. Always be ready to take initiative to reach your potential!”
- Keep In Touch
- Le 10 avr. 2017
Table ronde d’entre deux tours « Quelle société pour la France de demain ?
À la veille des élections présidentielles, Audencia prend la parole. Les élections présidentielles 2017 marquent un tournant en ce qu’elles détermineront le modèle de société dans laquelle la France s’engagera. Cette table ronde d'entre deux tours s’inscrit dans le cadre de la démarche unique d’Audencia fondée sur 4 ancrages fondamentaux : • Innovation et Influence : Audencia inscrit la RSE dans le marbre de l’économie française. • Humanisme : Audencia intègre l’épanouissement personnel dans le parcours professionnel. • Hybridation : Audencia délivre une expertise multi-compétences notamment sous la forme de double diplômes. • Excellence : Audencia garantit des contenus pédagogiques et des campus internationaux conçus sur les critères de qualité les plus élevés. Participants à la conférence : • Dominique BILLIER, Audencia Business School, Iségoria • Bruno CAUTRÈS, CEVIPOF, Sciences-Po Paris, Policy proposition and political engagement • Valerie CLAUDE-GAUDILLAT, Audencia Business School, Innovation and its place in candidates’ programs • Jeremy GHEZ, HEC Paris, Geo-politics • Karolina KOC-MICHALSKA, Audencia Business School, Digital media in campaigning • Tomasz MICHALSKI, HEC Paris, Economy • Emeric PEYREDIEU DU CHARLAT, Audencia Business School, DG Audencia • Andre SOBCZAK, Audencia Business School, Corporate social responsibility in politics and political programs • Thierry VEDEL, CEVIPOF Sciences-Po Paris, Electoral campaign • Thomas VITIELLO, CEVIPOF Sciences-Po Paris, La Boussole INSCRIPTION OBLIGATOIRE (nombre de places limité) : cliquez ici
- Keep In Touch
- Le 20 avr. 2017
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Using the school’s job board to identify internship opportunities
Name: Jade Siméon Current position: Intern - Assistant of Marketing & Communication, Es Saadi Marrakech Resort About my company: Hospitality industry, 501-1000 employees Degree earned at Audencia: Current student GE 18 Nationality: French Residence: Marrakech - Morocco “Soft skills are the most important when working abroad: adaptability and open-mindedness! Language skills are obviously necessary, but they are easier to improve.” My work My role: Marketing & Communication Assistant, Es Saadi Marrakech Resort, Morocco, assisting the Marketing & Digital Manager and the Partnership & Events Manager. Soft skills: Solid interpersonal skills/adaptability/open-mindedness/creativity/rigorous/proactive. Hard skills: MSOffice (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook). How it started: Thanks to my previous operational experience in a luxury hotel abroad (Sofitel Gendarmenmarkt Berlin), my motivation, my “multicultural mind” I developed. All this served as a competitive advantage. Having already worked in Berlin, I did not plan to look for another internship. But the possibility of discovering the Arabic world was very attractive to me! Plus the advert was posted on Audencia Tomorrow, it was easy to apply! My world Culture shock: When I arrived in Berlin, my German skills were not as good as I thought. It was quite difficult to communicate and suddenly dive into an exclusive German speaking world! Fun fact: Experiencing the Ramadan was very enriching! Doing the “Ftour” (large meals to break the fast) was a great experience after a few days of fasting... Why choose an international career? Because I am basically “multicultural”: I am French but have Vietnamese origins, I love the German culture and spent several months there, I am interested in Latino dancing... It fulfils me to discover other cultures, lifestyles, landscapes and people. I absolutely want to gain professional experience abroad; in every country if possible! Audencia Careers says “Jade did not particularly plan to go abroad for her next internship. However she came across the offer on "MyAudenciaNetwork" (ex Together), grabbed the opportunity and it turned out to be one of her most rewarding experiences. Always be ready to take initiative to reach your potential!”
- Keep In Touch
- Le 10 avr. 2017
Destination carrière : prochain parcours Jeunes Diplômés le 5 mai, inscrivez-vous vite !
Vous hésitez sur votre choix de carrière, vous vous interrogez sur vos talents, ce qui a du sens pour vous dans votre job: le parcours « destination carrière », réservé aux jeunes diplômés et proposé par Audencia Careers, a été pensé pour vous. Il est accessible aux diplômés de moins de 3 ans et la bonne nouvelle c’est qu’il est gratuit l’année de l’obtention du diplôme ! Réflexion sur soi appuyée sur des outils reconnus (MBTI, STRONG), identification des compétences, ajustement du projet, confrontation avec un professionnel du recrutement… telles sont les étapes de ce parcours de 2 jours animé par des consultantes Carrière professionnelles. La méthode a fait ses preuves et alterne travail en groupe, en individuel, entretien. En marge de ces deux parcours, des « capsules » (formats courts de 2h) permettent d’apporter des réponses concrètes à des questions telles que la manière d’activer son réseau, la négociation de salaire etc… Une participante témoigne : « c'est une très chouette occasion qui nous est donnée de se poser et de réfléchir à qui on est vraiment et non pas ce que l'on sait faire mais ce que l'on a envie de faire. On fait des WE de Thalasso pour se régénérer, pour prendre soin de son corps. Les 2 premières journées ont été similaires pour moi : 2 journées en bulle, hors du temps pour, pour prendre ce temps de la réflexion pour soi ». Un autre participant ajoute : « ce parcours nous a tous fait avancer sur nos projets et nous fait considérer des options auxquelles on n’aurait pas pensé ». Pour en savoir plus Contactez Agnès Marchand, Responsable Audencia Careers
- Career Center
- Le 14 avr. 2017