Starting as an intern before being offered a contract to work on change management projects

  • Keep In Touch
  • Le 17 février 2016
Name: Aline Hoffmann
Current position: Project Manager, Revevol
Degree earned at Audencia: EIBM 13
Other degrees: Bachelor of International Relations (2012), Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
Nationality: Brazilian
Residence: Paris, France  

Professional path
Aline first worked with Revevol – a company that advises and assists companies with the adoption of cloud technologies – as an intern through Audencia’s Master in European and International Business Management (EIBM) programme in 2013. Today, Aline is a project manager for change management projects, helping companies of 8,000 to 90,000 employees in their transition to the cloud.
A Google Premier Enterprise Partner, Revevol Group has grown from 30-40 employees to around 100 since Aline joined the team. Now one of her many responsibilities is to recruit new interns/employees – including some from Audencia.
“That is something I love about working for a growing company,” she says. “I have the opportunity to be on different types of projects at the same time.”
In addition to managing projects that help companies all over the world design and implement global plans for communications, training and processes, Aline coordinates the recruiting, contracting and workflow of trainers worldwide.
She also works on AODocs projects – a virtual file server and document management system. In this role, Aline needs to understand and provide solutions for the business needs of companies in a range of countries and industries.
Aline thrives on this type of work. “I really like being in contact with different types of people and businesses. There’s no routine, so each day is a new challenge.” And with clients and trainers located globally, Aline is frequently travelling. “This year, I went to Brazil, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, India, Dubai and Spain – many times!”

Aline is passionate about her work. “I want to see my company grow more and more. In the future, I’d like to be in a position to help each team within my company. When you’re in an environment that you love, you want to help it keep growing.”
She also treasures close relationships with her family in Brazil, and “good wine and good talk” with her friends.
Most memorable experience in the programme:
As a student in the EIBM programme, Aline studied in France, Spain and Great Britain. “In each of the countries, we studied in the local language. And my classmates – so many different cultures in one single room! This really helped me understand how different cultures interact, both in my professional and personal life.”

Advice to international students looking to work in France
“No matter the country, you need to learn the local language and culture.” Aline took an intensive French course in Brazil before coming to France. She then spent the final year of her undergraduate studies in France. Learning French shortly before beginning the EIBM programme was challenging, but she happily notes, “We are young, and we can do it.”

Staying in touch with Audencia
Aline is still connected with many of her Audencia classmates: one in Lebanon, one in Colombia, one in China, another in Mexico and many others in France and Spain. She uses the Audencia Alumni network regularly to find interns from Audencia.
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