India Chapter goes virtual!
- Keep In Touch
- Le 29 avril 2020
Unable to meet in person due to the current situation, the India Chapter decided to catch up virtually. Sameer Nawani, Ambassador of Chapter India (IMM 11), and Archita Prahladka (exchange student 18) narrate to us their experience organizing this online meet.
Before the COVID-19 breakout, everyone had planned something or the other and so did we. We planned our Audencia Around the World India Alumni Meet in Mumbai in March too but as the situation started uncovering we called off this meet only to meet again after the recovery.
Although, technology has been so kind to each one of us that this pandemic came at a time when we were at least prepared to survive with social distancing. It is going to be a long wait for the world to reopen once again and so we decided to unite and make these moments of unhappy quarantine merrier.
On April 11, 2020, Indian Audencians across the world locked in themselves in one virtual room to have yet another feeling that they are there for each other. Many were meeting each other for the first time. Some had gone to Audencia 10 years back and some had gone just 9 months back. Although the memories of Audencia and tales of Nantes seemed as fresh for each one. The introductions became storytelling sessions which in turn became waves of laughter and smiles! The meet was threaded by various engaging activities including share your favourite beverage, favoured quarantine activity, most memorable Audencia moment and so on.
Every Audencian shared their live locations and it was exhilarating to spot them across the world: Siddharth (IMM 10) from Canada, Umesh from Brazil (IMM 10), Nushad (IMM 16) from France, ... A dedicated WhatsApp Group saw many more additions after the call and everyone shared their professional identities too. It is always so overwhelming to see a family in making both on personal and professional fronts. An "Alma Mater" connect is definitely a more magical and nostalgic one which gives a sense of belonging and love to each Alumni and this French Connect of Audencians is certainly a cherished one!
Bravo to the duo! We are looking forward to many more similar catch-up stories. Share with us on

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Ruyu Zhang in Taiyuan & Hubei: vive la technologie et la réalité virtuelle!
Ruyu Zhang (IMM 18) is Press & Communications Officer at the French Consulate in Wuhan (hence she speaks excellent French!). Although she was on vacation in her home town of Taiyuan (Shanxi province in northern China) when lockdown was declared, she remained in close contact with her colleagues and friends in Wuhan. Ruyu is a music lover and says that to an extent, music - especially classical - helped her through lockdown. How was the situation managed in Wuhan? Most people did not leave their homes until the restrictions were lifted at he end of March. Many people experienced extreme fear and anxiety at the beginning of the confinement because that was the hardest time for every one: lack of medical apparatus in hospitals, difficulties buying food and limited options and stocks on shopping apps, frequent psychological problems, ignorance of the situation… As time went by, these problems were partially resolved and the situation improved daily. The ones that we must never forget are those who sacrificed their personal health and safety and put their own lives at risk to protect others. They ensured that daily life running during the pandemic: doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers and volunteers of residential communities. And in Taiyuan? Even though Taiyuan was much less affected than the epicenter of Covid-19, the local control and prevention mesures against the spread of the virus were very strict and reassuring. As I returned from Hubei in the end of January, my family and I could not get in contact with anyone else for at least 28 days (double quarantines) even for shopping. The staff of our residence put the food and stuff that we ordered in advance in front of the door, which is called “non contact delivery”. What measures do you think worked the best? STAY AT HOME is N°1! Keeping social distancing in case of necessary outdoor activities. Wearing a mask and disinfecting the surfaces of everything we touch. How did you keep in touch with your family and friends during confinement? My parents and I were home all together. I kept in touch with my friends on WeChat. What advice would you give to fellow alumni in France during lockdown? Music heals the world to some extent! For which who are classical music fans I highly recommend The Digital Concert Hall of the Berliner Philharmoniker, it’s now free for everyone : Try out a new activity would help you being refreshed after a long day at work from home. For some of us we have to to find some way to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. After the confinement they may change to some new passion in your future life. Talk regularly to your friends and share the feelings about what you saw on the news. It’s a simple and effective way to relieve stress caused by confinement. What did you learn about yourself during this period? Family and friends are the most important treasure for me and I should cherish every single minute with them. Both physical and psychological health are important, don’t stop working out at home. How are you preparing to return to work/or going back to the office? I just received the notification and the instructions concerning the return to work in Wuhan and will go back there shortly. We were told that every corner of our office would be rigorously disinfected. Are there any new habits that you gained during your confinement that you will continue to use? I tried to learn cooking traditional dishes of my hometown with my mother (the results were not always satisfying but eatable :-D) Also I have started to enjoy seeing the online classical music concerts/visiting museum online, vive la technologie et la Réalité Virtuelle! Apart from following domestic news, I stay informed on the latest international especially french news by listening to Franceinfo, not only because my daily work requires me to do so but also this is definitely the essential way to know what happened in the world in the time when we are unconnected with people physically. Gare de Wuhan le 22 janvier, tout le monde a un masque (la veille du confinement de la ville) Dans le train Wuhan-Taiyuan, gel désinfectant A un supermarché de Taiyuan pendant le confinement, il n'y a pas beaucoup de monde, masque obligatoire Je me suis promenée dans un parc de Taiyuan il y a quelques jours, le confinement est progressivement levé et le printemps arrive
- Keep In Touch
- Le 17 avr. 2020
Audencia Alumni in Lagos get connected
Audencia has a fledgling alumni community in Lagos Nigeria which is set to grow in the coming years. Oge Moweta (MSc. FAM 2017) took the opportunity of the Around the World initiative in March to hold an alumni gathering. Oge chose his venue with care - a French baker, housed in the Alliance Française building in central Lagos. With lockdown restrictions about to come into play, not all of the alumni were able to make it, but some joined online. This part face-to-face / part virtual "hybrid" gathering of alumni is certainly a game changer nd will pave the way for creative solutions in the future to maintain the connections between alumni worldwide. Thank you Oge, Nonso, Efe, Joshua and Olivia for putting the Lagos alumni community on the map - we look forward to seeing more from you as soon as it is safe to do so! Link to photo gallery!
- Keep In Touch
- Le 1 mai 2020
Autres actualités
Covid-19 : les diplômés, les étudiants et les professeurs se mobilisent
Depuis le début du confinement, Audencia a recensé plusieurs actions de nos diplômés, étudiants ou professeurs, qui se mobilisent dans le cadre la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19. A circonstance exceptionnelle, réponse exceptionnelle : Soliguide créé une réponse nationale à la crise ! Victoria Mandefield (Ingénieur-Manager 18), fondatrice et directrice de Solinum, le solidaire numérique qui change le quotidien dans la rue et met la technologie à disposition des sans domicile fixe. Via leur site internet (et application), en détournant l’usage premier de celui-ci, elle recense les lieux utiles et solidaires dans divers départements afin d‘aider les personnes en difficulté face au confinement et au COVID-19. Production de masque et de désinfectant par Procter & Gamble à Amiens Benjamin Binot, Vice-Président et Manager Général France, Belgique, Pays-Bas et Luxembourg à Procter & Gamble (GE 02) a récemment salué sur LinkedIn une initiative des équipes P&G. L’un des plus grands site de production de Procter & Gamble à Amiens a mis en place un grand plan de solidarité : 1 000 litres de désinfectants pour les mains produits sur le site et 10 000 masques ont été remis aux autorités sanitaires locales. Cet engagement sera maintenu aussi longtemps que nécessaire, en fonction des besoins des autorités locales. #OnSeVoitDemain : soutenons les entreprises et commerçants durant cette période compliquée ! Julien Tourme (Bachelor 08 & SCOM 10) a lancé une proposition d’accompagnement des entreprises ou commerçants pendant cette période compliquée. Son idée ? Permettre aux internautes d’acheter un bon d'achat maintenant à utiliser après la période de confinement. Il est actuellement le fondateur de Monsieur Lucien mais également le Président du réseau des diplômés Audencia Bachelor. L'avénement de la téléconsultation des médecins et infirmiers Alban de Crémiers, diplômé Audencia (EIBM 14) et co-fondateur de l’application Leah, solution de téléconsultation référencée par le Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé, avec la note de 10/10 pour la gestion de la crise du COVID19. #SauvonsUneBoite : Audencia se mobilise pour aider les entreprises locales Jean-Michel Moutot, Professeur de management à Audencia, a lancé il y a une semaine via son compte LinkedIn un appel aux entreprises locales en difficulté, aidé de ses 37 étudiants de majeure (spécialisation en fin de cursus Grande Ecole) Business Development et d’une dizaine de professeurs et intervenants. L’objectif ? Aider à travers leur expertise quelques entreprises locales qui traversent des difficultés économiques liées à la crise actuelle, en les accompagnant sur la dimension commerciale et marketing, au cours du mois d’avril. L’aide proposée est bien sûr totalement gracieuse et se fait en lien avec le programme de formation. Devant l’afflux de demandes reçues, ils ont finalement retenu 7 entreprises, au lieu des 3 ou 4 initialement prévues. Pour des raisons de discrétion, leurs noms ne seront pas communiqués. Au cours des prochaines semaines, les étudiants et professeurs vont donc les aider à solutionner diverses problématiques : chercher de nouveaux débouchés / clients, renforcer la communication commerciale, challenger les business models, adapter les approches et offres en matière de relation client... Le projet Makair : création d’un prototype de respirateur artificiel Depuis le 16 mars, le collectif Makers For Life travaille sur la conception et la production du MakAir, un respirateur artificiel exclusivement dédié au traitement du Covid-19. Initié à Nantes par des entrepreneurs, des makers, des professionnels de la santé, des chercheurs, des ingénieurs, un collectif #makersforlife agrège plus de 250 femmes et hommes en France et à l’étranger bénévoles et d’un consortium d’organisations publiques et privées. Jean-Marc Charlot, professeur à Audencia, a rejoint le projet MakAir (du collectif Makers for Life) au nom d’Audencia. « J’ai eu l’opportunité, à double titre par mon rôle de trésorier de l’Association Ping et de responsable du Makerspace d’Audencia, de modestement et à mon niveau contribuer à ce projet en produisant quelques pièces nécessaires à la réalisation des prototypes. Ces pièces étaient récupérées à domicile par les services de la Mairie de Nantes et acheminées au Palace, QG des opérations de ce projet. C’est un impressionnant Hackathon, le plus long que je n’ai jamais connu, qui s’est déroulé sur un mois et demi et qui conduit à un dossier de demande d’agrément auprès de l’Agence Nationale de Sécurité et du Médicament pour la mise en production massive de cet appareil. Chapeau bas à ce collectif génial qui permet de grande chose pour un monde futur différent et meilleur pour tous, exactement dans l’esprit du projet « Culture Maker» que je porte à Audencia ». Depuis le 24 mars, l’école nantaise a mis à disposition ses imprimantes 3D pour produire des pièces pour les phases de prototypage du respirateur. Conçu et prototypé en s’inspirant des méthodes des makers et des startups, le MakAir est pensé, depuis le début, pour respecter 100% des règles garantissant la sécurité des patients en conformité avec la réglementation européenne sur les dispositifs médicaux. MakAir est un projet en cours de tests. Les opérations d'essais et d'assemblage sont situées en France. Retrouvez toutes les informations sur ce projet directement sur le site internet :
- Get Involved
- Le 27 avr. 2020
Audencia Alumni in Lagos get connected
Audencia has a fledgling alumni community in Lagos Nigeria which is set to grow in the coming years. Oge Moweta (MSc. FAM 2017) took the opportunity of the Around the World initiative in March to hold an alumni gathering. Oge chose his venue with care - a French baker, housed in the Alliance Française building in central Lagos. With lockdown restrictions about to come into play, not all of the alumni were able to make it, but some joined online. This part face-to-face / part virtual "hybrid" gathering of alumni is certainly a game changer nd will pave the way for creative solutions in the future to maintain the connections between alumni worldwide. Thank you Oge, Nonso, Efe, Joshua and Olivia for putting the Lagos alumni community on the map - we look forward to seeing more from you as soon as it is safe to do so! Link to photo gallery!
- Keep In Touch
- Le 1 mai 2020