Katherine in Shanghai: I could use my night-owl habits to the full while I worked from home
- Keep In Touch
- Le 1 avril 2020
How was the situation managed in Shanghai?
For a better understanding of how the situation has been in Shanghai, I would like to share basic information firstly:
- Shanghai population: 24.28 million (2019)
- Confirmed cases as of 29 March (14:30 local time): 492, including 153 imported cases
- First confirmed case in Shanghai: 16 January
- Confirmed case number stable at around 300 since mid-to-late February
- National holiday (Spring Festival / Lunar New Year): 24-30 January (most people travel for family reunion nationwide)

This is a map of confirmed cases in Shanghai on 29 March (bing.com/covid)
As you might have already noticed from the basic information, in a mega-city with a population bigger than some European countries (population in Shanghai would rank No.9 in European population ranking by country), when there is a massive nationwide travel about to happen due to Spring Festival, it could be catastrophic. While the situation has been relatively under control with the measurement as well as people’s reaction.
Measurement examples:
- Public area being closed start from Spring Festival, more specifically, places very crowded or where one might need to remove masks, such as touristic area, gym, most restaurants and bars, etc. (started to ease since March)
- Temperature check/record all people entering Shanghai since end-of-January (recently announced 100% Covid check when entering Shanghai from country/area with high confirmed case numbers)
- Residence compound: Strict control of non-residence by issuing temporary entrance permit card (valid 1-day) whenever getting outside, need to submit card when back into the compound
- Ask to wear mask when leaving residence
- Compulsory temperature check entering shopping mall / indoor area
- Health QR Code (wechat and alipay) which is created based on your travel history (green, yellow, red) – if stayed in Shanghai for the past 14 days, the QR code is green (otherwise 14-day self-confinement needed)
- Recommend to work from home if possible
- Staying indoor almost all the time (possible partially thanks to online in-time delivery almost 24/7 available without extra cost)
- Wearing masks whenever staying outside (I personally have not found anyone without mask since late January)

(I was the only person at the office and at the gym. The Spring Festival holiday is due to start on 24 January)
What measures do you think worked the best?
I would consider “wearing mask all the time” as the most effective measure even though it is still not considered as common in Europe.
Besides, other measures including shutdown of most public area during critical weeks (mostly covering February), recommendation for work from home, etc., have been favourable to control the situation. In fact, as a newcomer (in Shanghai for less than 1 year), I was surprised by how self-disciplined people are, to keep “stay at home”. Except for a few people, there has been no friend of mine who asked for gathering, or posted outdoor pictures during critical weeks (or maybe I have too less friends here…). I was once at the riverside nearby my apartment for a walk and found out there were still not many people, even though it was already late February.

How did you keep in touch with your family and friends during confinement?
As a person who has been living alone for years, I am used to being connected with people via SNS (heavy user of Wechat, Instagram, LinkedIn). But this time, it raised to a new level. I started to have daily call with family in South Korea (probably because I just came back from there, and luckily not be stuck within South Korea, my flight was before the massive outbreak in South Korea).
Besides, the situation was “helpful” to be re-connected with old friends worldwide. Some challenges on Instagram was fun, for example I was happy accepting challenge of 100 push-up (which I consider as nice way of encouraging people to exercise, interacting with friends, as well as "showing-off" your apartment new decoration).
What advice would you give to fellow alumni in France who are in their third week of lockdown?
The first thing comes to my mind is: It is okay to be a bit lazy and pause for a while, just relax and try to stay positive while focusing on yourself, things you normally do not have time to consider. I found some people used to complaining about being busy outside all the time are now complaining the opposite (me included). While as the situation is a rare chance of having sufficient reason to “be disconnected” for a while, why not do something relaxing at home, or “introspect” the past and “plan” the future – which seem to be the lifelong to-do list for most people?
What did you learn about yourself during this period?
I started to “introspect” and “plan”, or at least started to have some new perspectives.
Except for usual news/trend monitoring, there were some topics raised my curiosity, which I was not interested in before, “How is the vlog / relevant social media working in China, and what are the business models?” “What are the new product and service being successful these days?” It was also interesting that most of gyms started to have their free live-stream courses. I heard a few people taking benefits from free online university courses, unfortunately I was not hyper enough to try everything.
Due to the influence of previous and current work in automotive industry, my usual focus was mainly on the industry itself plus learning German. During this period, I had enough “excuse” and time to check other topics, which will be eventually helpful for my work as well, in terms of building innovative business models in the future.
And an obvious finding: I am a typical “owl” person who has high productivity at night, if there is no enough reason to wake up early in the morning.
How has it been going back to the office?
Always wearing mask as usual, having enough disinfection tissue and handwash liquid, etc., washing hands as frequent as possible seems to be a global rule of thumb. People are encouraged to have lunch by isolating themselves (or at least keep enough distance), which I do not see much difficulty.
In fact, most companies started to get back to office (while required to wear masks all the time). As of this week (29 March), I was at the office for 1 day. Lack of oxygen when wearing mask was indeed "problematic" - for example, I forgot to add attachment when sending an email, a mistake I have not made for years.
For me the most difficult part would be to re-adjust “owl” body schedule to “early-bird”. Thus, I bought a soymilk machine, which I can pre-set its “cooking” time for the next morning. Coffee machine would be more effective, but the cafe at the company building offers better quality.
Are there any new habits that you gained during your confinement that you will continue to use?
I consider this time as a perfect chance to get back to one’s old hobbies, or something one was good at during childhood. Even though there are not many things I did, there are still a few to mention: Re-start of reading Korean books, both literature (old-time “expertise” which I neglected for more than 10 years) and non-literature (I chose art and psychology related one). Simple cooking, which I stopped after leaving France in 2015. As well as something I planned while not yet started – drawing. For gym and other sports such as archery, I will have to restart from now on, as those places were closed before.
As a daily user of global SNS to interact with friends worldwide, people’s reaction from different countries has been reachable. Even though under confinement - an unusual situation that all of us are feeling uncomfortable from time to time, I found most of us still remaining positivity and make full use of the time as enjoyable as possible. Just like the picture, currently locked in different parts but eventually will be united at one point when the situation gets better.

Another picture of the riverside during weekend
Stay safe and best wishes from Shanghai,
29 March 2020
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Eugénia in Shanghai: We are lucky to be in 2020 as our loved ones are just a message or video away
Eugénia Lao (IMM 12), is from Portuguese Macao. Since 2014 she has been working in Shanghai, most recently for luxury brand Qeelin where she is currently eCommerce & Digital Project Manager. Eugénia lived through the Covid-19 confinement in Shanghai and has been back at work since early March. We asked Eugénia to share her thoughts and experiences. How was the Covid-19 situation managed in Shanghai? Apart from the basic hygienic measure such as wearing a mask and washing our hands frequently, we were required to fill out an online health declaration form to declare our travel history and individuals who had been to certain areas were quarantined. Other travellers were advised to self-quarantine at home for 14 days. The rest of the residents practiced confinement. All public places closed down for over a month. Thankfully, things have been getting back on track since early March. At the moment, we are all required to show a code before entering any public places to indicate that we are 'healthy' and have not travelled out of Shanghai in the past 14 days. If you cannot prove you are healthy, you will not be allowed onto the site. In your opinion, what measures worked the best? Quarantine and confinement have definitely helped avoid any cross-infection especially when we were running low on masks and disinfectants. How did you keep in touch with your family and friends during confinement? We are lucky to be living in 2020 as our loved ones are just a message or a video call away! What advice would you give to fellow alumni in France who hare in their second week of confinement? Start your day by a short morning workout with a Youtube video. Create a new routine, work schedule, and screen time and try to stick to it as much as you can. Change your clothes and wash your hair often. The worst thing you can do is to stay in front of your laptop the entire day in your pyjamas with a bag of nachos (sound familiar anyone??) Fill up that usual apero time by making alternative plans for the rest of the year because it looks like there won’t be much travelling! Stay upbeat and positive but also reflect on the life style we led before the lockdown. Consider if it could have been more sustainable and nature friendly. If the answer is yes, then plan the change! What did you learn about yourself during this period and how did you feel about returning to work and the office? We are already working full time at the office after 3 weeks of rotation in order to keep the social distance. To my own surprise I was very happy to be back to the office; it felt like it was the first days of school. Are there any new habits that you gained during your confinement that you will continue to use? The confinement definitely interrupted my fitness routine of training 5 days a week. Since I have a sweet tooth and life is too short to skip dessert, and I wasn't prepared to come out of confinement with an extra 10 kilos, I decided to try making the healthy version of all the desserts I love with recipes I found online. Some of them are actually pretty easy to make! I am not the most patient person and meditation seemed like an impossible task until I tried out the app Calm to start my morning with a daily dose of wisdom. They have this “Daily Calm” that takes about 10 minutes per day - light and easy for beginners. On my way to grocery shopping Home workout! Having my temperature taken and contact info recorded before getting in the office (same practice for any restaurants and public places) My chocolate mousse made with, wait for it, ripe bananas (to replace sugar), avocado (to replace egg), unsweetened cocoa powder, and just a dash of almond milk.
- Keep In Touch
- Le 31 mars 2020
Xi Jin in Shanghai: I've become a very good cook much to my parents' delight!
Xi 'Mako' Jin (MBA 19) looks back fondly on his MBA year at Audencia as being formative and exciting. He won a place on the first learning expedition to Las Vegas and San Francisco in 2019, fully funded by alumni of the school. When asked about his experience of the Covid-19 situation, he says that although unplanned, he was not in Shanghai, but in his hometown, a small city near the seaside. He followed news of the developing situation in Shanghai from a distance, via friends and media platforms such as Tencent News. In nearly all parts of China, Mako feels that the virus is under control. Initially he felt that time as wasted due to bureacracy but that ultimately the government and the Chinese people overcome the difficulties. What measures do you think worked the best? Our government had the power to relocate the necessary goods for the war against the virus. When the virus broke out, it was the Chinese New Year, nearly all the factroies were closed, and people were returning to their hometowns. The government laid down strict rules, blocked travel and kept people at home. In this waythey prevented the virus spreading. After that, doctors and nurses in other provinces (nearly 30 provinces, over 40,000 people) went to Hubei province and built new hospitals in very short time (the first one was set up in 10 days). All aspects of the medical supply chain were called back into manufacturing process. New technologies were used everwhere. Infected people were tracked so we knew who may have touched them and then gave the priority to identifying them. Another example is that, some big internet companies like Alibaba and Tencent helped the government to set new system to separate the healthy from the sick. So in recent days, the healthy people are allowed to work. Infrared devices and IOT technology helped to increase the effeciency of detection. The Chinese people reacted well to the crisis. 99.99% stayed at home for at least 3-4 weeks and when they had to go shopping, they wore masks. I think this is the most important. The way of spreading the virus was totally cut off. This worked not only in Shanghai but all the parts in China. How did you keep in touch with your family and friends during confinement? I was lucky that I went back to my hometown on 19 January so I spent the period of confinement with my family. With my friends we used Wechat, so keeping in touch was easy. We also used new tools such as Dingding and Tencent Meetings to work and study. 4G and even 5G is fast enough to keep the connection running smoothly and quickly. What advice would you give to fellow alumni in France during this period of confinement? Stay optimistic, humans can beat this virus! Adopt as healthy a lifetyle as possible and try to increase yor levels of immunity since there is no reliable vaccine right now. Store some canned food, biscuits, etc... Reduce outings and gatherings. Prepare masks and hand sanitisers (someone said that in western countries, wearing a mask means you have got the illness, but it's really a good way to avoiding the virus when you have to go out). What did you learn about yourself during this period? For me, it was interesting, as before the confinement I preferred staying at home rather than going out, so it didn't affect me too much. But now I would like to increase exercise to keep healthy. I ate too much staying an home, so now I have to lose some weight...! How about work? I am job-seeking at hte moment so I had a few interviews online and I'm hoping for a good opportunity soon. I am glad that the recent crisis has meant that some companies have started to interview online instead of face to face. Are there any new habits that you gained during your confinement that you will continue to use? During this period I read books about IT, programming and cloud management to increase my understanding of the IT industry and new technology. I also became an expert cook which made my parents very happy. I made this cake with a small pan because I don't have an oven at home It has red beans inside and is called " 红豆饼" This square cake is made with nuts and fruit and is called “枣糕”
- Keep In Touch
- Le 2 avr. 2020
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Eugénia in Shanghai: We are lucky to be in 2020 as our loved ones are just a message or video away
Eugénia Lao (IMM 12), is from Portuguese Macao. Since 2014 she has been working in Shanghai, most recently for luxury brand Qeelin where she is currently eCommerce & Digital Project Manager. Eugénia lived through the Covid-19 confinement in Shanghai and has been back at work since early March. We asked Eugénia to share her thoughts and experiences. How was the Covid-19 situation managed in Shanghai? Apart from the basic hygienic measure such as wearing a mask and washing our hands frequently, we were required to fill out an online health declaration form to declare our travel history and individuals who had been to certain areas were quarantined. Other travellers were advised to self-quarantine at home for 14 days. The rest of the residents practiced confinement. All public places closed down for over a month. Thankfully, things have been getting back on track since early March. At the moment, we are all required to show a code before entering any public places to indicate that we are 'healthy' and have not travelled out of Shanghai in the past 14 days. If you cannot prove you are healthy, you will not be allowed onto the site. In your opinion, what measures worked the best? Quarantine and confinement have definitely helped avoid any cross-infection especially when we were running low on masks and disinfectants. How did you keep in touch with your family and friends during confinement? We are lucky to be living in 2020 as our loved ones are just a message or a video call away! What advice would you give to fellow alumni in France who hare in their second week of confinement? Start your day by a short morning workout with a Youtube video. Create a new routine, work schedule, and screen time and try to stick to it as much as you can. Change your clothes and wash your hair often. The worst thing you can do is to stay in front of your laptop the entire day in your pyjamas with a bag of nachos (sound familiar anyone??) Fill up that usual apero time by making alternative plans for the rest of the year because it looks like there won’t be much travelling! Stay upbeat and positive but also reflect on the life style we led before the lockdown. Consider if it could have been more sustainable and nature friendly. If the answer is yes, then plan the change! What did you learn about yourself during this period and how did you feel about returning to work and the office? We are already working full time at the office after 3 weeks of rotation in order to keep the social distance. To my own surprise I was very happy to be back to the office; it felt like it was the first days of school. Are there any new habits that you gained during your confinement that you will continue to use? The confinement definitely interrupted my fitness routine of training 5 days a week. Since I have a sweet tooth and life is too short to skip dessert, and I wasn't prepared to come out of confinement with an extra 10 kilos, I decided to try making the healthy version of all the desserts I love with recipes I found online. Some of them are actually pretty easy to make! I am not the most patient person and meditation seemed like an impossible task until I tried out the app Calm to start my morning with a daily dose of wisdom. They have this “Daily Calm” that takes about 10 minutes per day - light and easy for beginners. On my way to grocery shopping Home workout! Having my temperature taken and contact info recorded before getting in the office (same practice for any restaurants and public places) My chocolate mousse made with, wait for it, ripe bananas (to replace sugar), avocado (to replace egg), unsweetened cocoa powder, and just a dash of almond milk.
- Keep In Touch
- Le 31 mars 2020
Xi Jin in Shanghai: I've become a very good cook much to my parents' delight!
Xi 'Mako' Jin (MBA 19) looks back fondly on his MBA year at Audencia as being formative and exciting. He won a place on the first learning expedition to Las Vegas and San Francisco in 2019, fully funded by alumni of the school. When asked about his experience of the Covid-19 situation, he says that although unplanned, he was not in Shanghai, but in his hometown, a small city near the seaside. He followed news of the developing situation in Shanghai from a distance, via friends and media platforms such as Tencent News. In nearly all parts of China, Mako feels that the virus is under control. Initially he felt that time as wasted due to bureacracy but that ultimately the government and the Chinese people overcome the difficulties. What measures do you think worked the best? Our government had the power to relocate the necessary goods for the war against the virus. When the virus broke out, it was the Chinese New Year, nearly all the factroies were closed, and people were returning to their hometowns. The government laid down strict rules, blocked travel and kept people at home. In this waythey prevented the virus spreading. After that, doctors and nurses in other provinces (nearly 30 provinces, over 40,000 people) went to Hubei province and built new hospitals in very short time (the first one was set up in 10 days). All aspects of the medical supply chain were called back into manufacturing process. New technologies were used everwhere. Infected people were tracked so we knew who may have touched them and then gave the priority to identifying them. Another example is that, some big internet companies like Alibaba and Tencent helped the government to set new system to separate the healthy from the sick. So in recent days, the healthy people are allowed to work. Infrared devices and IOT technology helped to increase the effeciency of detection. The Chinese people reacted well to the crisis. 99.99% stayed at home for at least 3-4 weeks and when they had to go shopping, they wore masks. I think this is the most important. The way of spreading the virus was totally cut off. This worked not only in Shanghai but all the parts in China. How did you keep in touch with your family and friends during confinement? I was lucky that I went back to my hometown on 19 January so I spent the period of confinement with my family. With my friends we used Wechat, so keeping in touch was easy. We also used new tools such as Dingding and Tencent Meetings to work and study. 4G and even 5G is fast enough to keep the connection running smoothly and quickly. What advice would you give to fellow alumni in France during this period of confinement? Stay optimistic, humans can beat this virus! Adopt as healthy a lifetyle as possible and try to increase yor levels of immunity since there is no reliable vaccine right now. Store some canned food, biscuits, etc... Reduce outings and gatherings. Prepare masks and hand sanitisers (someone said that in western countries, wearing a mask means you have got the illness, but it's really a good way to avoiding the virus when you have to go out). What did you learn about yourself during this period? For me, it was interesting, as before the confinement I preferred staying at home rather than going out, so it didn't affect me too much. But now I would like to increase exercise to keep healthy. I ate too much staying an home, so now I have to lose some weight...! How about work? I am job-seeking at hte moment so I had a few interviews online and I'm hoping for a good opportunity soon. I am glad that the recent crisis has meant that some companies have started to interview online instead of face to face. Are there any new habits that you gained during your confinement that you will continue to use? During this period I read books about IT, programming and cloud management to increase my understanding of the IT industry and new technology. I also became an expert cook which made my parents very happy. I made this cake with a small pan because I don't have an oven at home It has red beans inside and is called " 红豆饼" This square cake is made with nuts and fruit and is called “枣糕”
- Keep In Touch
- Le 2 avr. 2020