MBAs past and present enjoy an evening of networking
- Keep In Touch
- Le 5 février 2020
With over 40 participants from different class years, professional backgrounds and nationalities, the networking evening proved to be a lesson in making connections.
For Juliet Ewelike (MBA 2016), it was her first time back at Audencia since graduating. It was great to be "on the other side" and talk to current students about their MBA experience. "It made me nostalgic for my student days" she continues. Guillaume Pidou (Exec MBA 2011) enjoyed catching up with former classmates and seizing the opportunity to return to Audencia. "I'm about to leave the region for an entrepreneurial (ad)venture so the timing was perfect for me" he says.
The discussions went on late into the evening and the final word was the following day from Sonia Geay (MBA 2018) who declared "I was so sad not to be there". Rest assured Sonia, there will be more occasions like this, so watch this space!

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"Go abroad!" au sommaire de The Mag #11
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- Keep In Touch
- Le 5 déc. 2019
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- Keep In Touch
- Le 5 févr. 2020
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Go France! I balance my aspiration for journalism AND communications
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- Career Center
- Le 3 févr. 2020
Cérémonie de remise des diplômes 2020
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- Keep In Touch
- Le 5 févr. 2020