5 alumni return to Audencia to share their insights on international careers
- Career Center
- Le 9 octobre 2019
International opportunities as career accelerators
On the afternoon of Thursday 10 October, five alumni from different horizons will share the stage in the Edit de Nantes auditorium for International Day. Students are invited to come and listen to what our alumni have to say about their international careers and how for each of them it widened their prospects and taught them to adapt to new situations and seize new opportunities.On the programme:
12:45-13:45 Alumni Round table: “International opportunities as career accelerators” in Edit de Nantes auditorium
- Nancy YINAN GUAN (IMM 18), Product Manager with Curver in Paris
- Avneet KAUR (IMM 18), Chargée de promotions with Banque Populaire in Nantes
- Estelle MARIE (GE 04), South Europe Director with French Founders in Madrid
- Hervé-Pierre BEAUCHESNE (GE 99), ex VP Analyst with Moodys in New York
- Tarek ALASSAR (IMM 14), Country Manager with Legos in Paris
14:00-15:00 WORKSHOPS
- Parentheses “Kick starting your career in the USA”
- Nancy (IMM 18) “Finding your first job in France”
- Tarek (IMM 14) “Helping French companies grow internationally”
15:15-16:15 WORKSHOPS
- Estelle (GE 04) “Build and optimise your network in Europe”
- Hervé-Pierre (GE 99) “Finance careers in the USA”
- Avneet (IMM 18) “Speaking French to work in France”
A short networking session so that students can come and ask any questions they didn’t get time to voice during the afternoon sessions.

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Dans la même catégorie
Go France! Seek advice from people who have been in your place in the past
We are delighted to bring you “Go France”, the guide for international students looking to work in France! Devised and compiled by Audencia’s Career Centre and Alumni team, with the support of the School's student reporters, “Go France” is a valuable resource for internationals considering a career in France after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go France also showcases the experiences of more than 20 international alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job in France. This week, discover what Vidhi Khare, IMM 17, has to say. About Vidhi Graduated from the IMM 17 programme Originally from India Working as Head of IT at RATP in Paris Daily working language ▶ English Native language (s) ▶ English Level of French ▶ Elementary Other languages spoken ▶ Hindi Other degrees ▶ Bachelor of Engineering Vidhi's key advice Learn French, make contacts, seek advice from people who have been in your place in the past and learn from other people's mistakes. How it all started My professional path has been very exciting. I worked in India for 6 years before coming to study in France. I got my internship in one of the most reputed companies in France and there has been no looking back since. Myths & realities Realities: There are some pleasant and some hard realities about working in France. A few that I think are important to mention are: Working really hard Apéro with colleagues Work life balance Gender pay gap (sad but true at many workplaces) Getting stuck in traffic and demonstrations Myths: People outside France say that even if you don’t work you can still survive. NO, that is so not true!! If you plan to stay in France, be prepared to work harder than ever. My biggest challenge The main challenges I’ve encountered in France have been my French language skills (I’m still learning) and the amount of paperwork (visa related) for expats. Speaking French I take classes and it has really helped. Amusing story We follow a lot French culture at work I suppose, and greeting each other in the morning is taken quite seriously. I’ve stopped counting how many people I "bise" (kiss) when I arrive in the office, especially if I’ve been away for a few days. Advice and top tips It's important to understand the French culture and be a part of it. You have to let some old habits go and accept what comes your way here. Get your copy of "Go France" here CAN YOU HELP? Are you an international alum in France or, are you a French alum working abroad? Do you have a story to tell about your journey and how you secured your job or internship? Do you have advice that you would like to share with current students? If you have answered YES to all of the above, then please follow this link! Thank you
- Career Center
- Le 30 sept. 2019
Go France! The French are quite calm but don't like to be rushed
We are delighted to bring you “Go France”, the guide for international students looking to work in France! Devised and compiled by Audencia’s Career Centre and Alumni team, with the support of the School's student reporters, “Go France” is a valuable resource for internationals considering a career in France after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go France also showcases the experiences of more than 20 international alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job in France. This week, discover what Pablo Maldonado, IMM 16, has to say. About Pablo Graduated from the IMM 16 programme Originally from Mexico Working as Consultant at Sopra Steria in Toulouse Daily working language ▶ French, English Native language (s) ▶ Spanish Level of French ▶ Upper intermediate Other degrees ▶ Bachelor in Computer Systems Engineering Pablo's key advice It's a myth that the French are always in a bad mood. They are quite calm but don't like to be rushed! How it all started I started as a Software Developer/Engineer, had an experience as IT Lead at a start-up, became SAP Analyst at Accenture, worked for several projects within Oil & Gas indistry (mainly), got my MSc, became an freelance SAP Consultant for Airbus projects, and finally got a CDI with Capgemini. Most memorable experience Going to the French final of the KPMG International Case Competition. Myths & realities Realities: It is hard to get a job if you don't comprehend and speak French at a professional level. Even when the official language at the company is English, French will always prefer to speak in their native language. Comparing with LatAm, Africa, or some parts of Asia, France offers conditions that allow to have a balance between your personal and professional lives. My biggest challenge Speaking French the whole day, switching between French and English, and sometimes to Spanish. It can be very exhausting. Speaking French Audiobooks in French, listen while you're reading. Practice it out of work as well. Advice and top tips Get used to food that’s not so spicy Be confident, take it easy, don't try to do extra-hours Do your best to speak French Get your copy of "Go France" here CAN YOU HELP? Are you an international alum in France or, are you a French alum working abroad? Do you have a story to tell about your journey and how you secured your job or internship? Do you have advice that you would like to share with current students? If you have answered YES to all of the above, then please follow this link! Thank you
- Career Center
- Le 18 oct. 2019
Autres actualités
Lou Botherel : « La pollution des mers m’a vraiment interpellée »
Actuellement en 3e année à Audencia SciencesCom, Lou Botherel vient de terminer son stage de Master 1 chez Surfrider Foundation Europe, l’ONG devenue la référence dans le combat pour la protection de l’océan et de ses usagers. Comment avez-vous trouvé ce stage ? L’avez-vous choisi par conviction ? Lou Botherel : À vrai dire, je cherchais quelque chose autour du sport, un secteur qui me plait depuis longtemps. Mais je voulais aussi trouver un stage qui avait du sens pour moi, et si possible dans la protection de l’environnement. J’ai trouvé cette offre sur LinkedIn et j’ai foncé. Surfrider était la combinaison idéale ! Certes, ce n’est pas une association sportive, mais le sport est dans son ADN. Elle a été créée en 1990 par des surfeurs qui ont constaté par eux-mêmes, dans leur activité sportive, la dégradation des mers. Ils ont décidé de se lancer dans le combat pour la protection de l’océan et de ses usagers. Surfrider Foundation Europe compte une quarantaine de salariés répartis sur sept sites et 46 antennes qui regroupent environ 2000 bénévoles dans onze pays européens. Et Surfrider est également présent dans de nombreux autres pays dans le monde ! À quand remonte votre sensibilité à l’environnement ? Lou Botherel : Je suis née et j’ai grandi en Bretagne, près de la côte. L’océan, ce n’est pas anodin pour moi. Mais je crois que l’élément déclencheur remonte à des vacances en Espagne il y a quelques années. J’étais sur la côte méditerranéenne, à la plage. J’y allais pour me détendre mais je n’ai pas pu me détacher de la vision de ces centaines de déchets pris dans la laisse de mer. Je me suis vue les ramasser pendant des heures ! Ça m’a vraiment interpelé. Savez-vous que 80 % des déchets proviennent de l’intérieur des terres ? Cela concerne tout le monde, même lorsqu’on habite en ville loin de la mer ! Comment s’est passé votre stage à Surfrider Foundation Europe ? Lou Botherel : Basée à Biarritz, au siège de la fondation, j’étais assistante relations presse et communication. Je participais à l’élaboration des stratégies de communication de l’ONG, à l’organisation d’événements, à la rédaction des communiqués de presse… Ce qui m’a plu, c’est que Surfrider organise certes de nombreuses animations de ramassage des ordures sur les plages, mais va plus loin en tentant de faire évoluer la prise de conscience de l’impact humain sur la vie aquatique, notamment via le fléau du plastique. Surfrider fait rimer action avec prévention. >> Lire The Mag #10 sur le climat <<
- Keep In Touch
- Le 7 oct. 2019
Audencia Homecoming Day : infos pratiques (pour les inscrits)
J-1 avant Audencia Homecoming Day, nous avons hâte de vous retrouver ! Pour organiser au mieux votre venue, voici quelques informations pratiques sur la journée/soirée : Rappel des temps forts de la journée 13h30 : Accueil sur le campus principal d’Audencia, Route de la Jonelière à Nantes. 14h/16h : Audencia, d’hier à aujourd’hui : une série de flashbacks à vivre confortablement installés dans l’amphi Edit de Nantes. 16h/18h : Plongée au cœur d’Audencia : une visite immersive et animée de l’école, en compagnie de celles et ceux qui font Audencia aujourd’hui. 19h30 : Soyez à l’heure, une surprise vous attend aux Machines de l’ile (Boulevard Léon Bureau) ! Stationnement Nous vous invitons à vous garer sur le parking gratuit, face au parvis de l’école, Chemin Censive du Tertre. Pour la soirée, vous pourrez vous stationner aux parkings payants des Machines de l'Ile (10 Rue Arthur III) ou Wilson (quai président Wilson). Dress code Une tenue décontractée est recommandée pour la journée afin de profiter pleinement des activités qui vous seront proposées. Pour la soirée, changement d’ambiance, tenue chic recommandée. Fondation Audencia (uniquement à la soirée) Avec un don de 50€ minimum pour la prochaine Learning Expedition CES/Silicon Valley, la Fondation Audencia vous offre une excellente bouteille de vin. Nous vous remercions par avance pour votre soutien. Bonne dégustation ! Retrouvez l’ensemble du programme et des informations d'Audencia Homecoming Day sur le site web de l’événement. Au plaisir de vous retrouver samedi, L'équipe Audencia Homecoming Day Pour toute question complémentaire, écrivez-nous à audenciaalumni@audencia.com And if you need an English version of this message, please drop us a line at audenciaalumni@audencia.com
- Keep In Touch
- Le 11 oct. 2019