Go France! Seek advice from people who have been in your place in the past
- Career Center
- Le 30 septembre 2019
We are delighted to bring you “Go France”, the guide for international students looking to work in France!
Devised and compiled by Audencia’s Career Centre and Alumni team, with the support of the School's student reporters, “Go France” is a valuable resource for internationals considering a career in France after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go France also showcases the experiences of more than 20 international alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job in France.
This week, discover what Vidhi Khare, IMM 17, has to say.
About Vidhi
- Graduated from the IMM 17 programme
- Originally from India
- Working as Head of IT at RATP in Paris
- Daily working language ▶ English
- Native language (s) ▶ English
- Level of French ▶ Elementary
- Other languages spoken ▶ Hindi
- Other degrees ▶ Bachelor of Engineering
Vidhi's key advice
Learn French, make contacts, seek advice from people who have been in your place in the past and learn from other people's mistakes.
How it all started
My professional path has been very exciting. I worked in India for 6 years before coming to study in France. I got my internship in one of the most reputed companies in France and there has been no looking back since.
Myths & realities
Realities: There are some pleasant and some hard realities about working in France. A few that I think are important to mention are:
- Working really hard
- Apéro with colleagues
- Work life balance
- Gender pay gap (sad but true at many workplaces)
- Getting stuck in traffic and demonstrations
My biggest challenge
The main challenges I’ve encountered in France have been my French language skills (I’m still learning) and the amount of paperwork (visa related) for expats.
Speaking French
I take classes and it has really helped.
Amusing story
We follow a lot French culture at work I suppose, and greeting each other in the morning is taken quite seriously. I’ve stopped counting how many people I "bise" (kiss) when I arrive in the office, especially if I’ve been away for a few days.Advice and top tips
It's important to understand the French culture and be a part of it. You have to let some old habits go and accept what comes your way here.Are you an international alum in France or, are you a French alum working abroad?
Do you have a story to tell about your journey and how you secured your job or internship?
Do you have advice that you would like to share with current students?
If you have answered YES to all of the above, then please follow this link!
Thank you
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Audencia Forum 16 & 17 October: call for alumni to lead workshops with international students
Are you interested in supporting the employability of our international students at the Audencia Forum on 16 & 17 October 2019? Then come and lead a workshop in Nantes during the Audencia Forum. We are organising a series of career-focused workshops for international students and we are looking for alumni to come back to the Atlantic campus to help shed light on the expectations of a sector or profession in terms of recruitment, internship/employment on the national market. Here are some examples of workshop themes that you might like to lead: Writing a good CV and cover letter for the French markets Getting to know what French recruiters want Using internship search strategies to enter the French markets Working in France - the do's and don'ts Personal branding - how to define and project your self-image to recruiters No preparation required! Interested? Drop us a line: cgodet@audencia.com or mschleder@audencia.com
- Career Center
- Le 18 sept. 2019
5 alumni return to Audencia to share their insights on international careers
International opportunities as career accelerators On the afternoon of Thursday 10 October, five alumni from different horizons will share the stage in the Edit de Nantes auditorium for International Day. Students are invited to come and listen to what our alumni have to say about their international careers and how for each of them it widened their prospects and taught them to adapt to new situations and seize new opportunities. On the programme: 12:45-13:45 Alumni Round table: “International opportunities as career accelerators” in Edit de Nantes auditorium Nancy YINAN GUAN (IMM 18), Product Manager with Curver in Paris Avneet KAUR (IMM 18), Chargée de promotions with Banque Populaire in Nantes Estelle MARIE (GE 04), South Europe Director with French Founders in Madrid Hervé-Pierre BEAUCHESNE (GE 99), ex VP Analyst with Moodys in New York Tarek ALASSAR (IMM 14), Country Manager with Legos in Paris 14:00-15:00 WORKSHOPS Parentheses “Kick starting your career in the USA” Nancy (IMM 18) “Finding your first job in France” Tarek (IMM 14) “Helping French companies grow internationally” 15:15-16:15 WORKSHOPS Estelle (GE 04) “Build and optimise your network in Europe” Hervé-Pierre (GE 99) “Finance careers in the USA” Avneet (IMM 18) “Speaking French to work in France” 16.30-17.30 NETWORKING SESSION A short networking session so that students can come and ask any questions they didn’t get time to voice during the afternoon sessions.
- Career Center
- Le 9 oct. 2019
Autres actualités
Rendez-vous le 12 octobre prochain pour le 1er Homecoming Day !
Samedi 12 octobre, 13h30, campus d’Audencia. Vous voilà arrivé devant l’entrée principale. Partagé entre l’envie de faire revenir tous vos souvenirs et le désir de découvrir l’Ecole d’aujourd’hui et de demain, vos yeux se posent sur les visages qui vous entourent. Vous reconnaissez un ancien camarade de promotion, un professeur que vous n’avez pas oublié, vous vous étonnez de tous ces diplômés de tous âges que relie un même sentiment d’attachement à l’Ecole. Etonnement, émotion, retrouvailles. Avant de franchir le seuil pour entamer une journée mémorable, vous jetez un coup d’œil au bâtiment. De là-haut, une année, ou peut-être cinq, dix, quinze ou même quarante-cinq années vous contemplent ! Ne manquez pas le premier Homecoming Day d’Audencia ! En présence des personnalités emblématiques qui ont marqué votre parcours, de Christophe Germain - Directeur Général d’Audencia et de Flavie Lorre (GE 98) - Présidente d’Audencia Alumni, profitez de cette expérience unique, forte et fédératrice. Rythmée par des challenges qui vous feront découvrir ou redécouvrir l’Ecole, la journée sera placée sous le signe de la grande aventure d’Audencia. Au menu ? Flashbacks Pongée en réalité virtuelle dans l’univers d’Audencia Animation œnologique Echanges avec les associations étudiantes Rencontres avec vos anciens professeurs emblématiques d’Audencia Temps libre… Et le bouquet final : soirée et dîner à couper le souffle préparé par le chef étoilé Jean-Yves Guého, dans un lieux prestigieux encore tenu secret. Incontournable ! >> Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant ! <<
- Keep In Touch
- Le 26 sept. 2019
Grande consultation Audencia Alumni
Audencia Alumni réalise une enquête auprès de l’ensemble des diplômé(e)s d’Audencia pour partager leurs aspirations, leurs attentes et leurs besoins. Il vous reste encore quelques jours pour répondre, votre participation est essentielle ! Pour cela, répondez au questionnaire envoyé sur votre boite mail. Pour information, vous pouvez suspendre le déroulement du questionnaire à tout moment, pour le terminer quand vous le souhaitez. Si vous n'avez pas reçu le questionnaire, contactez-nous : audenciaalumni@audencia.com Nous vous remercions par avance pour votre participation. Bien cordialement, Flavie Lorre (GE 98), Présidente du Conseil d’Administration, Audencia Alumni Florence Alix Gravellier, Responsable du pôle Alumni, Audencia
- Get Involved
- Le 2 oct. 2019