Audencia Talents : le séminaire de rentrée des 1ère année du PGE
- Business
- Le 4 septembre 2019
Audencia Talents, c'est le séminaire de rentrée des étudiants de première année du programme Grande Ecole.
Durant 2 jours, les 4 et 5 septembre 2019, les 490 étudiants de 1ere année vont travailler en équipe pour proposer des solutions innovantes aux 10 entreprises partenaires.
Elu prix coup de coeur du jury par lesTrophées Agires en 2018, il réunit une dizaine d'entreprises exposant des problématiques stratégiques aux étudiants qui y répondent en toute créativité.
Le fil rouge de cette année : Dare for Good !
Dans la même catégorie
Webinar sur l’expérience client multi-canal !
« Voir plus loin que les apparences » - Rendez-vous le 5 Octobre à 13h Depuis la démocratisation des technologies et la multiplicité des supports de communication digitale comme l’ordinateur, le mobile, ou encore les tablettes, l’expérience client multi canal permet aux entreprises d’établir une relation avec l’internaute. Élément essentiel de la stratégie de communication des entreprises modernes, la relation client multicanal est en constante évolution. Tenez-vous informé des changements de comportement et préférences de vos clients afin de favoriser leur fidélisation. Cette web-conférence sera animé par Alain Nectoux, expert et consultant en relation clientèle, et référent académique de la formation Responsable de la Relation Client. Pour en savoir plus, contactez Gaëlle Duchêne : 02 40 37 46 11 - 06 31 56 51 43
- Business
- Le 17 août 2019
Soutenez les projets de l'école
Versez votre taxe d'apprentissage à Audencia ! Le moment est venu pour les entreprises de verser leur taxe d’apprentissage. Cet impôt permet de financer le développement de la formation initiale. Le projet de loi "Avenir professionnel", adopté le 1er août 2018, modifie le circuit de collecte et la répartition de la taxe d’apprentissage en 2020. Grâce au soutien des entreprises, Audencia peut développer des programmes répondant à la transformation du monde des entreprises, porter des projets pédagogiques innovants et répondre aux attentes des étudiants. Vous êtes une entreprise, un diplômé, un proche ou un ami de l'école, nous comptons sur vous ! Soutenez Audencia
- Business
- Le 19 févr. 2020
Autres actualités
MBAs from all horizons gather for a networking session in Nantes
Executive, full-time and online MBA participants got together at Audencia for an informal networking session on 29 August. Mikael Naulleau, director of the EuroMBA and full-time MBA programmes at Audencia, asked participants - alumni and students from all three MBA programmes offered by Audencia - to explain what they liked best about their programme format and how they managed to reconcile their busy schedules. Slawomir, from Poland, explained how the event was an opportunity for distance MBAs like himself to meet, network and make friends. Fouad and Aurelie from France added that for their executive MBA cohort, it was yet another way of sidening their horizons. Joris summed up his thoughts in two words "diverse" and "flexible".
- Keep In Touch
- Le 2 sept. 2019
Go France! Without the degree & experience from Audencia, I wouldn't be where I am today
We are delighted to bring you “Go France”, the guide for international students looking to work in France! Devised and compiled by Audencia’s Career Centre and Alumni team, with the support of the School's student reporters, “Go France” is a valuable resource for internationals considering a career in France after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go France also showcases the experiences of more than 20 international alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job in France. This week, discover what Sohei Fukuyama, MBA 11, has to say. About Sohei Graduated from the MBA 11 programme Originally from Japan Working as Business Development & Licensing at MedinCell in Montpellier Daily working language ▶ French, English and Japanese Native language (s) ▶ Japanese Level of French ▶ Advanced Other languages spoken ▶ French and English Other degrees ▶ BSc in Applied Biology Sohei's key advice Without having the degree and experience from Audencia, I wouldn’t be where I am today. How it all started After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in applied biology, I worked during 4 years for one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in Japan, and then I completed my education with a double MBA programme in the UK and France. Since then, I have worked for 2 pharmaceutical start-up companies as business development & licensing professional in France. Most memorable experience When I received my work permit to stay in France. It took almost one year. Very happy! Pastimes Dancing helps me find a way to express my emotion and balance myself as a person and a professional. Keeping in touch I’m in touch with many of my classmates. A couple of years after graduating, I went to Colombia to visit a few of them. I get together with friends who stayed to work in France too. Myths & realities Realities: If you are not from a member state of the EU, to work in France you need not only the employment contract but also the titre de séjour - status salarié. That means that unless you are naturalised or become a student, you will be always dependent on your employer to stay in France. In my case, this made it difficult to make a long-term plan. My biggest challenge One of the biggest challenges in my life in France was to get the first titre de séjour - status salarié. Advice and top tips The internship was key. I still vividly remember all the paperwork I had to submit – and all the help I had from my co-workers. Get your copy of "Go France" here
- Career Center
- Le 6 sept. 2019