Building up a supply chain department including team set-up, workflow design and daily operations

  • Keep In Touch
  • Le 30 avril 2015
Name: Jacob Zhao (Chinese Name: Jian Zhao)
Job: China Logistics Manager and Department Head, Burberry, China
Degree earned at Audencia : Master in International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management 04
Nationality: Chinese
Residence: Shanghai - China 
“Audencia taught me that confidence means staying curious about new things while believing you can master them with the right mentality and way of working or studying.”

Professional path
Over the past 10+ years, Jacob has held positions with major global companies in China. He credits his confidence and success, in part, to his time at Audencia.
Following Jacob’s graduation in 2004, L’Oréal China offered him the position of Asia Market Support Logistics Manager in a new supply chain team where he was tasked with reorganizing the demand planning workflow in all of Asia.
In 2008, once things were running smoothly for L’Oréal China, Jacob moved to Hasbro – the world’s second-largest entertainment and Toy Company – to help establish their first office in China.
“As Logistics Operations Manager and China Department Head, I built everything from scratch in the supply chain department, including team set-up, workflow design and daily operations.”

In 2013, with Hasbro firmly established in China, Jacob accepted a new challenge at Burberry. As China Logistics Manager and Department Head, Jacob focuses on supply chain management and is gaining new hands-on experience in all areas. “Perfecting the conversion of what I learned at Audencia to real life is my ultimate target. I will always try to extend my knowledge and experience within the industry to become a true expert.”

“Travel and football! Life is like football. You should always have a very clear target. Never give up.”

Most memorable experience in France
“How could I forget one of the most memorable times in my life: my youth, friends and professors – and even that football field in front of my dormitory?” Jacob’s time in Nantes also gave him lifelong hobbies. “I still play three hours of football every week and travel to a new country every year – good habits that I got from my time in France.”

Advice to international students looking to work in France
“Good French is always a must. If you believe in yourself and stick to your dream, you can do it.” Jacob knows of some Chinese students who returned from France to China to work for French companies. After several years, they had opportunities to return to France as expat staff.

Staying in touch with Audencia Alumni
Jacob is still in touch with some Audencia professors and his fellow Chinese classmates. “And with the UEFA Euro 2016 in France, I’ll probably have the chance to visit again. I hope to, as I had a really memorable, fantastic time at Audencia.”
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