Audencia's faculty continue their connection with former students
- Keep In Touch
- Le 7 décembre 2018
The word is out!
The secret ingredient of alumni afterworks is often the participation of a faculty member.When faculty travel across the globe for research conferences or teaching assignments, they try to find time to (re)connect with alumni in the city or cities they visit. In November, Professor Eric Maton, spent two weeks teaching at CFVG (Centre Franco-Vietnamien de Gestion) based in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
No fewer than three alumni gatherings were organised by ambassadors in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
A huge thank you to Laurent Tam Nguyen (GE 91) and Thi Thu Hien Ha (MBA 11) for organising the venues each time. Long may the tradition continue!

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Audencia’s American road trip: a journey of daring
In January 2019, a dedicated and enterprising group of Audencia staff, alumni and students are embarking on an American road trip. Whether you are in the US for a few days or forever, we would be delighted if you could join us on one of our stopovers: In Las Vegas: Thursday January 10, for a meet-up at CES Whether they are exhibitors, successful start-uppers or visitors, this is a unique opportunity for Audencians to get together at CES. Let's share our experiences and speed up those business connections. Online pre-registration and details - Las Vegas In San Francisco: Saturday January 12, for a French-style dinner In the company of Valérie Claude-Gaudillat (Audencia Director of Innovation), Lucie Gouanelle (alumni ambassador, San Francisco), and 6 Audencia students on a learning trip to Silicon Valley, this French-style evening will allow you to reconnect with your school and participate in its outreach. Discover today's students, inspire them and be inspired in return. Online pre-registration and details - San Francisco In Los Angeles: Wednesday January 16, for cocktails Let’s get to know each other! For Audencia’s first visit to LA, come and join Florence Alix-Gravellier (Head of Alumni Relations - Medallist at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games) for an informal gathering, which aims to share experiences and answer the question “What does daring mean to you?”. Online pre-registration and details - Los Angeles Finally, if you can’t make it for the above dates and venues, contact us at to arrange an individual discussion. We look forward to meeting you. With warm regards, The Audencia Alumni Team
- Keep In Touch
- Le 3 déc. 2018
A third successful ICF
On November 27, for the third year running, Audencia's international students organised ICF, Audencia's annual intercultural festival. With around 300 students attending, ICF#3 was a huge success. Under a new banner "embracing differences, celebrating diversity", IMM student Paola Gallardo and a committee of fellow Audenicans took ICF to new heights. Dance routines from around the world, calligraphy, henna painting and origami workshops, musicians and the catwalk were among the acts. 15 countries were represented each with a booth to showcase food and traditions: Cameroon, China, Colombia, France, India, Iran, Italy, Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, Russia, The ICF organisation committee To see the photo gallery of ICF#3, please follow this link* *You need to be logged in to your Together account to access the photo gallery*
- Keep In Touch
- Le 12 déc. 2018
Autres actualités
Audencia’s American road trip: a journey of daring
In January 2019, a dedicated and enterprising group of Audencia staff, alumni and students are embarking on an American road trip. Whether you are in the US for a few days or forever, we would be delighted if you could join us on one of our stopovers: In Las Vegas: Thursday January 10, for a meet-up at CES Whether they are exhibitors, successful start-uppers or visitors, this is a unique opportunity for Audencians to get together at CES. Let's share our experiences and speed up those business connections. Online pre-registration and details - Las Vegas In San Francisco: Saturday January 12, for a French-style dinner In the company of Valérie Claude-Gaudillat (Audencia Director of Innovation), Lucie Gouanelle (alumni ambassador, San Francisco), and 6 Audencia students on a learning trip to Silicon Valley, this French-style evening will allow you to reconnect with your school and participate in its outreach. Discover today's students, inspire them and be inspired in return. Online pre-registration and details - San Francisco In Los Angeles: Wednesday January 16, for cocktails Let’s get to know each other! For Audencia’s first visit to LA, come and join Florence Alix-Gravellier (Head of Alumni Relations - Medallist at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games) for an informal gathering, which aims to share experiences and answer the question “What does daring mean to you?”. Online pre-registration and details - Los Angeles Finally, if you can’t make it for the above dates and venues, contact us at to arrange an individual discussion. We look forward to meeting you. With warm regards, The Audencia Alumni Team
- Keep In Touch
- Le 3 déc. 2018
Une cuvée de promotion pour faire grandir mon École
Soutenir mon École avec une Cuvée de promotion ? Oui, c’est possible ! Faites un don dès aujourd'hui pour soutenir les étudiants méritants et les projets contribuant au rayonnement de l’École et du réseau et recevez la Cuvée de promotion de votre année de diplomation (cuvée Peu Muleau 2014).* Je fais un don avant le 31 décembre 2018 Je choisis le projet que je souhaite soutenir. Découvrez les projets ici. Je reçois ma cuvée de promotion, souvenir épicurien de mes années passées à l’École. Ce vin, issu du Domaine de la Chevalerie et produit en biodynamie, a été sélectionné par deux étudiants de l'École dans le cadre de la création de leur entreprise Monsieur W. * Cette contrepartie n’est accessible qu’à partir des dons de 100€ dans le respect de la réglementation en vigueur. JE PARTICIPE > On compte sur vous ! Nous pourrons atteindre notre objectif de collecte et soutenir un nombre toujours plus important d’étudiants grâce à votre participation.
- Get Involved
- Le 10 déc. 2018