Coordinating business development in Chinese-speaking Asia

  • Keep In Touch
  • Le 20 janvier 2017
Name: Yun Yun Lu
Current position: Asian Market Developer, Houdini Sportswear
About my company: Retail of sportswear, 11-50 employees
Degree earned at Audencia: International Master in Management 2015
Nationality: Taiwanese
Residence: Beijing - China  

My work
My role: I coordinate sales business in Chinese-speaking area, business development in Asia, especially in Taipei, Beijing and Taiwan. I work on CRM, producing Chinese marketing material, organise part of the orders in the supply chain and customise the business to the local orders.

Soft skills: Ability to convey the cultural differences to the local needs and cultural awareness/communication skills, especially assessing le local needs.
Hard skills: English and Chinese/ knowledge of trading for the local market/ international management degree.

My company: Houdini Sportswear is Swedish, so my role is to balance and looking for maximum benefits for the company. Also it’s crucial to associate an international brand to accomplish cultural difference by local CRM and negotiation.

How it started: My competitive advantage was the few year’s relevant industry and technical experience. With regards to the network, I maintain close ties with my team, additionally I suggest joining to ISTO locally in Taiwan, and use LinkedIn.

My world
Culture shock: According to my Swedish colleagues the perception is that Chinese people are not always transparent even with their working partners in terms of business. This makes the partner spend much time on trying to know the company operation situation but less time on developing business. In the long term this may break the trust between the Headquarters and the Chinese distributors, even affects the Asian office.

Why choose an international career?
Generally I enjoy connecting with internationals since they are so easy-going and the working atmosphere is more relaxed. Right now I develop the cooperation between Taiwan, China and Europe and would like to coordinate the locals in cooperation of the supply chain.
Yun Yun's advice
"Intercultural negotiation is vital in this sector. My key learning point and message is to build up confidence, because you need to deal with people come from difference nations and with different mindset all the time. There are always challenges and new adventures."
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