Having a CFA qualification is seen as an advantage in asset management

  • Keep In Touch
  • Le 16 décembre 2016
Name: Eve Morelli 
Current position: Senior sustainability analyst, Zürcher Kantonalbank
About my company: Banking, 5000 employees
Degree earned at Audencia: Master in Management 2004
Nationality: French 
Residence: Zurich - Switzerland
“Stay open. Things can turn out very differently from what you expect.”

My work
My role: I work as a Senior Sustainability Analyst, in Asset Management at the Zürcher Kantonalbank in Zürich, Switzerland. My key mission is investment recommendations for our sustainable funds.

Soft skills: Curiosity
Hard skills: Analytical skill and presentation

My company: I work for a Swiss German bank where people are very polite and love compromises which sometimes means that taking a decision can be a long process. It was difficult to keep calm when I joined but I’ve learnt how to deal with that.

How it started: The team where I work now used to be my client in a previous job. They eventually hired me. Furthermore I would recommend the CFA qualification, which is an additional asset if you want to work in the financial sector. I work in a very specific market and already had experience in this field.

My world
Culture shock: After some time abroad, you are never at home as a Swiss in France or as a French person in Switzerland, etc. I feel at home everywhere now!

Why choose an international career?
I’ve always wanted to work abroad, I like different people and cultures.
An international career requires you to be open-minded, but I am rewarded as I have an interesting job and I can go skiing every weekend in the winter and swimming in the river at lunchtime in the summer.
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