Career Center Webinar : Salary Negotiation

You are about to look for your 1st job and want to know when to address THE salary question during a job interview ?
Find out the vital do's and don'ts of salary negotiation during this workshop! 

Interview questions and styles may change from business to business however there are questions that are commonly known to be asked at most interviews.

Join the workshop to discover and train for these basic-must-know questions.

Please find below the link for the session via Microsoft Teams :
Cliquez ici pour rejoindre la réunion 
  • Date
    du mardi 15 juin 2021 à 18:00 au lundi 1 juillet 2024 à 02:01
  • Date limite d'inscription
    mardi 15 juin 2021 à 08:00
  • Modalité