Erasmus+ project in Nantes: building a more sustainable future
Feeding our cities: developing sustainable, resilient & inclusive food systems
This is a UNIQUE opportunity to be part of a EU Erasmus + project which aims at using design-based methods of teaching and learning to work on a live project in and with Nantes and look at a major issue in sustainability (here; how to feed cities in the future). Applicants (students and recent graduates) will work along other students from Finland, Spain and Ireland to suggest avenues to explore in this fascinating area.The intensive week 17-21 January 2022 is taking place at the Audencia Mediacampus and will be full of master classes and exploration tasks to investigate how a city like Nantes is looking at feeding its citizens in the most effective sustainable way.
Students will contine their investigation for 4 weeks online using different channels to work and communicate. There will be a public presentation at the end of the process. So it is an eye opening, intensive, collective, transdisciplinary and fun design-based exploration of a very serious sustainability issue.
We would welcome alumni looking at refreshing/enhancing their skills in the management of projects dealing with sustainability and being free for 5 weeks to do so.
To sum up, for Audencia participants, this will be:
- An exciting, innovative learning experience
- A chance to develop the skills to tackle our most pressing and complex challenges
- The chance to bring an idea from concept to prototype
- Work in multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural teams
- Experience in: Agile team methods and Design inspired methods of thinking and planning; Virtual collaborative work platforms and tools (MSTeams/Slack; Miro; Twitter; LinkedIn)
- Working in English with students from Ireland, Finland and Spain
- An EU certificate of attendance for all participants
Please follow this link to the EULab application form
Any questions, contact Catherine Morel
Date limite d'inscriptionmardi 30 novembre 2021 à 00:00
Périmètre géographiqueRégions
41 Bd de la Prairie au Duc
44200 Nantes
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