Afterwork Audencia London 28 September
Bonjour les Audanciens,
It is time to meet again for a few drinks at the beautiful Counting House in the heart of the City of London on Friday 28 September. It will be the opportunity to talk about our now distant summer holidays and eventually meet newcomers to London and the UK.
Also, I will use this afterwork to gauge your interest for organising other type of events: dinners, wine tasting, picnics, karaoke, mini-golf, battle royale, etc. Your suggestions are more than welcome therefore, if you are not able to make it to the drinks on the 28th, feel free to get in touch through Together, by email tristan.pelloux[at], text 07480 957 202 or even carrier pigeons to the 15th floor of the Leadenhall Building (I will try to open the window).
Looking forward to it :-)
Amicalement vôtre,
Date limite d'inscriptionvendredi 28 septembre 2018 à 17:00
Périmètre géographiqueInternational
LieuThe Counting House, 50 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3PD
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