L’Incubateur CAE recrute ses futures startups, postulez dès maintenant !
- Get Involved
- Le 18 mai 2022
Pourquoi intégrer l’incubateur Centrale-Audencia-Ensa ?
- Bénéficier d’un programme d'accompagnement adapté à la maturité de votre projet et d’expertises d’excellence pour développer votre startup
- Avoir à disposition un espace de travail dans un cadre privilégié au coeur de Centrale Nantes et d’un accès aux infrastructures des Écoles
- Être connecté avec les réseaux Alumni de l’incubateur et des Écoles ; plus généralement avec notre écosystème entrepreneurial riche et nos partenaires
Qui peut candidater ?
- Vous êtes étudiant, diplômé, enseignant-chercheur de l'une des trois écoles de l’Alliance ou porteur de projet susceptible de valoriser l’expertise des établissements
- Vous avez un projet innovant et une équipe dédiée
- Votre activité est domiciliée en Pays de la Loire
Informations clés
- Startups hébergées sur le Campus Centrale Nantes jusqu’à 36 mois
- Gratuit pour les fondateurs !
- Deux comités de sélection par an, composés d'experts et de représentants des trois écoles
Dates clés

Intéressé ? N’hésitez plus et candidatez avant le 17 juin 2022 !
Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ?
- Retrouvez toutes les informations sur le site de l’incubateur
- Rendez-vous le 31 mai de 18h à 19h pour un webinar dédié à toutes vos questions sur l’Incubateur ! Inscrivez-vous ici
- Découvrez l’incubateur en vidéo
- Vous avez d’autres questions par rapport au dispositif ? L’équipe de l’Incubateur vous répond : contact@incubateurcae.com

Dans la même catégorie
#Iconic_Audencians: Henar Cabrera (EIBM 11), coming full circle
Henar Cabrera, European & International Business Management 2011, life coach & reiki master, San Sebastian, Spain When we reached out to Henar Cabrera, she was living in Dublin and working as an International Customer Service Representative for Blue Nile, an American online jewellery retailer. Fast forward to our interview only two weeks later, and she had relocated to San Sebastian in Spain, and was proudly calling herself a life coach and reiki master. We got swept away by one of those conversations that seemed to take on a life of its own. Full of twists and turns, just like Henar’s life, in fact. Growing up, Henar didn’t venture much further than her native Madrid, but her life changed gear the moment she understood she had to scratch that travel bug itch. Audencia’s EIBM programme allowed her to lay the first stone of her international career. From Spain, to France, to Germany, to China, to Ireland and back to Spain, Henar’s journey is a travelogue as much as a story of professional transition and spiritual quest. A quest for healing from childhood trauma, for independence, for Mr. Right, for a purposeful job, and, above all, for finding her true self. Henar has come full circle and returned to her home country; along the way, she has found her mission, to motivate and heal others so they can live their best life. Full of wisdom, Henar’s words encourage us to soothe our mind and to trust and listen to our heart, the essence of our being and a reservoir of joy. They will inspire anyone who finds themselves questioning their life choices. Read the full article here Audencia's Iconic Alumni It all began back in 2020 when we celebrated Audencia’s 120th anniversary by launching our very first iconic alumni collection. For this second series, we are delighted and proud to showcase 12 new profiles of Audencians from around the globe. The alumni that you will discover have very generously given up their time for an interview with fellow alumna, Katia Hérault (GE 2001), for which we are immensely grateful. Discover all the portraits here
- Get Involved
- Le 11 mai 2022
#Iconic_Audencians: Ping Sun (DBA 18), discipline & harmony
Ping Sun, DBA 2018, Chair of Sichuan Huashui Excellence & Huashui taxation firms, Chengdu - China Sun Ping is adamant that setting oneself a strict framework of rules is the key to a successful career and a harmonious life. She has been moulded by a rigorous military-style education (both figuratively and literally – her father was an army officer). It included a rather unique time management protocol that she has adopted ever since and implemented with her collaborators and family members. Loyalty to her parents is an important rule of hers: although she had a strong desire to become a teacher, she followed the route they had set out for her and became an accountant. She ended up embracing a successful career in taxation. Diligence is another core principle of her framework. A self-made woman, she started her professional life as a cashier, working her way up before launching her own taxation consultancy firm in 2004. She has accumulated over 30 years of experience in financial management, solving tax-related disputes, and pre-IPO financial and tax consulting. She is now one of the most respected and recognised professionals in her field in China. She is driven by solid work and moral ethics that have, at times, led her to stand up to senior colleagues, even at the risk of losing her job. Strong minded, she wakes up at 6:50am 365 days of the year without needing an alarm clock, and goes for a 5K run “even during the Chinese New Year festival”. She is openly ambitious and aims one day to compete with the likes of KPMG and EY, but humbly accepts that she won’t succeed without a lifelong learning plan. This is what led her to join the Sino-French SWUFE-Audencia DBA programme, from which she was the only woman to graduate in 2018. Keen to convey the importance of hard work and resilience to the young generation, she volunteers as a Student Career Development Mentor at SWUFE and Chengdu universities. But she is quick to point out that she doesn’t advocate setting up and following rules for the sake of it. Her structured organisation is what allows her to optimise her agenda and prioritise quality time with her husband and son, as well as some alone time for her to recharge. Every inch a romantic, France had been in her mind for years as she fantasised about the prospect of strolling along the Seine holding her loved-one in one hand, and a bunch of roses in the other. And she is keen to put an end to the stereotype of the dull accountant: she too can let her hair down at times … albeit decently and moderately! Read the full article here Audencia's Iconic Alumni It all began back in 2020 when we celebrated Audencia’s 120th anniversary by launching our very first iconic alumni collection. For this second series, we are delighted and proud to showcase 12 new profiles of Audencians from around the globe. The alumni that you will discover have very generously given up their time for an interview with fellow alumna, Katia Hérault (GE 2001), for which we are immensely grateful. Discover all the portraits here
- Get Involved
- Le 6 juin 2022
Autres actualités
Go Netherlands! The Dutch are known for their straight talking
Audencia's Career Center and Alumni teams are delighted to to bring you “Go Netherlands!”, the guide to working in the Netherlands. Following the success of the guide to working in France for internationals, this new edition focuses on a country that is a destination of choice for Audencians. Members of its thriving community of students and alumni say they choose the Netherlands for its economic stability, work-hard-play-hard lifestyle, multiculturalism and for being a country where English is often the working language. “Go Netherlands!” is a valuable resource for students considering a career in the Netherlands after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go Netherlands! also showcases the experiences of more than 20 alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job and settling in the Netherlands. This week, discover what Louis Blaise from France has to say. About Louis: Graduated from the Grande Ecole Master in Management programme in 2014 Currently working as: an International Revenue Manager at Britvic Teisseire International in Amsterdam Native language: French Other languages spoken: English, Italian, German Level of Dutch: beginner Been living in the Netherlands since September 2018 Louis' key message: “The Dutch are known for their straight talking; if they don't like something, they will say so immediately." My biggest challenge Companies in Amsterdam are very international; in my previous team of 25, there was only one Dutch person. My biggest challenge is a result of this: I’m finding it hard to learn Dutch and even when I talk to a Dutch colleague at work, it's always in English! My advice & top tips LinkedIn is clearly the best website for job opportunities. It’s also a good idea to contact past employees; almost all companies offer a referral system. If you target big companies, you will find that many offer a graduate programme scheme. Unemployment is dramatically low here and compared to other European capitals, there are lots of jobs where you don’t need to speak Dutch. Even so, not speaking Dutch clearly puts you at a disadvantage as it limits the number of jobs you can apply for. Quirky & cultural Be prepared to eat cold snacks at work... your lunch break will be relatively short and you’ll often only have time for a quick sandwich. Also, don't be too surprised if you see your Dutch colleague eating soup at 4pm! And finally Sporting activities come high on the list of favourite Dutch pastimes. There is so much to do here, from cycling round the city to swimming in the canals in summer! Read your copy of "Go Netherlands" here
- Career Center
- Le 13 mai 2022
Go Netherlands! At Siemens, feedback culture is a good fit
Kim Bouwmeester Talent Acquisition, Siemens - The Hague Kim is responsible for the recruitment of management, technical and sales specialist positions for Siemens Netherlands. She is also involved in international projects related to leadership, assessments, and diversity. Kim shares some first-hand advice about the job market in the Netherlands. Siemens is a 175-year-old technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, mobility and healthcare. The secret of its longstanding success throughout the years is linked to its agility to transform itself, selling parts of the company when it is no longer on top of the wave, but making sure to take care of its employees in the process. Siemens has proved not to fear change, getting rid of the core business when necessary. The company is known worldwide for things it no longer does or are no longer its core business! The work culture Our corporate values are safety, compliance, sustainability and transformation. We have an entrepreneurial DNA; we question everything and do not take anything for granted because Siemens is continuously evolving. Dutch is the working language in The Hague office as most clients are Dutch. There are international departments like the data centre, where working in English can be possible however, speaking Dutch is very important. My advice & top tips Feedback culture is a good fit for Siemens. We are data oriented with an engineering culture; we love facts and very direct feedback. We Dutch can be brutally direct and honest, which is very efficient! It is important to learn to receive constructive feedback in our group. My tip would be to constantly ask for feedback. If you need help let HR know. If you think you are worth more and you want a raise, let us know. Nobody will come to give you a salary raise or praise for your great job if you don’t ask for it. As a recruiter in a tech company, I notice that women do not apply to a vacancy if they do not meet 100% of all the requirements in the job description; they doubt themselves way too much. I would like to encourage women to dare to go for the opportunities! Myths & realities We do actually cycle to work! Hierarchy is quite flat in the Netherlands however Siemens, as a German company, is also very influenced by this work culture and it is more hierarchical. Read your copy of "Go Netherlands" here
- Career Center
- Le 20 mai 2022