Léa Sanquer (GE 21) trouve le job de ses rêves grâce au réseau
- Career Center
- Le 21 février 2022
Attention spoiler : ce n'est pas la persévérance (même si, oui, 5 candidatures dans la même boîte c'est beaucoup)
La clef, ça paraît évident mais on n’y pense pas forcément, c'est le réseau. ?
Léa dit "J'ai eu la grande chance de rencontrer Clara qui m'a parlé de fond en comble de cette boîte géniale (FrenchFounders) dans laquelle elle travaille, et qui m'a introduite."
Le résultat c'est qu'elle a pu écrire une lettre de motivation ultra-personnalisée, parler de l'entreprise comme si elle y était et elle a eu l'appui d'une personne de confiance.
"On n'imagine pas forcément tout ce qu'on peut accomplir grâce à son réseau !"
Ce que Léa a appris de cette expérience et ce qu'elle a envie de partager :
- L'importance de dire "oui" à tout
- Comment se libérer (ou pas) du syndrome de l'imposteur
- Comment rencontrer des personnes que tu penses inatteignables
Félicitations Léa! Nous te souhaitons beaucoup de bonheur et de belles expériences dans ce job de rêve !

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Les conseils d’administration au cœur des stratégies RSE
La Formation Continue Audencia crée un nouveau certificat "Compétences ESG des administrateurs pour une gouvernance responsable" dont la première rentrée sera le 11 avril 2022. Selon un rapport d’information du Sénat sur la RSE (juin 2020), la responsabilité de la démarche revient en priorité aux conseils d’administration. Ceux-ci ont le devoir de l’inscrire dans les priorités stratégiques de l’entreprise, notamment pour ce qui relève des enjeux environnementaux. Ce même rapport relève pourtant que 58% des administrateurs admettent que l’impact climatique ne fait pas l’objet d’évocations régulières dans leurs conseils d’administration. 81% des sondés affirment d’ailleurs que leur CA ne dispose pas de comité chargé du suivi de ces enjeux. Les entreprises armées de démarches RSE solides ont pourtant prouvé qu’elles étaient parmi les plus résilientes à la crise sanitaire. C’est notamment le cas des sociétés qui intègrent les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance (ESG) à leurs politiques de développement. Plusieurs études, dont celles du groupe financier américain Bloomberg ou de la Bank of America Merrill Lynch, montrent ainsi que les entreprises socialement responsables “surperforment” en Bourse, en pleine crise économique. Durée de la formation: 5 jours Lieu: Nantes Prochaine session: 11 avril 2022 Délai d'inscription: 10 jours avant la date de rentrée Profil des participants: administrateurs, membres comités exécutifs, (futurs) dirigreants d'entreprise, directeurs généraux. Télécharger la documentation: ICI Pour en savoir plus, contacter: Louis-Dominique Dubourdieu lddubourdieu@audencia.com 07 88 48 35 27 | 02 40 37 45 51
- Career Center
- Le 10 déc. 2021
Go Netherlands! Introducing the new guide to working in the Netherlands
Audencia's Career Center and Alumni teams are delighted to to bring you “Go Netherlands!”, the guide to working in the Netherlands. Following the success of the guide to working in France for internationals, this new edition focuses on a country that is a destination of choice for Audencians. Members of its thriving community of students and alumni say they choose the Netherlands for its economic stability, work-hard-play-hard lifestyle, multiculturalism and for being a country where English is often the working language. “Go Netherlands!” is a valuable resource for students considering a career in the Netherlands after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go Netherlands! also showcases the experiences of more than 20 alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job and settling in the Netherlands. This week, discover what the Audencia's alumni ambassador in the Netherlands, Matthieu Vonthron (GE 05), has to say. After living and working in Germany, South Korea, Singapore and France, I arrived in Amsterdam 5 years ago. The biggest challenge in the move from France to the Netherlands was having to give up those long French-style lunch breaks with colleagues! Here, the Dutch typically eat a cold, light lunch (bread, fruit and dairy) in under 30 minutes. On my first day at work, my boss invited me for lunch (we both paid our share at the company canteen) and ordered a slice of bread, a portion of butter and a glass of milk. Once seated, he spread the butter on the toast and pulled out a miniature box of chocolate sprinkles (“hagelslag”) which he then delicately scattered over the buttered bread: that was his lunch! If I have a single piece of advice for students and alumni who wish to work in this amazing country, it is to always be on time - one minute late is already late! Alongside punctuality, it is also advisable to be clear and precise with Dutch colleagues and friends as they typically dislike or misunderstand messages that are too implicit. This also means that the Dutch are very direct, so be prepared for (constructive) criticism. Unlike the team structure in France, hierarchy in the Netherlands is very "flat" or horizontal. Dutch team members are encouraged to speak out and challenge their managers. The work atmosphere is therefore much more open and transparent. Speaking Dutch isn't required to settle down in the Netherlands, however, keep in mind that learning the basics will help you integrate locally. And finally… the Dutch have a great sense of humour and love to have fun. I must warn you that they tend to get quite noisy when they do so. There is a time for work and a time for play so be prepared to work hard and play hard. Read your copy of "Go Netherlands" here
- Career Center
- Le 15 avr. 2022
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Les vendredis écologiques de François Quintreau (Exec MBA 07)
#MBA_Community Depuis mi-février, les vendredis de François Quintreau (Exec-MBA 2007) seront écologiques. Ce temps, il l’offre à des associations, et notamment Solidarités Nouvelles face au Chômage (SNC), pour les aider à accélérer l’accompagnement des personnes qui sont ou seront touchées par la mutation des métiers amenée par la réponse sociétale à l’urgence écologique, il l’offre au vivant en consommant mieux et moins, il se l’offre pour s’ouvrir, pour apprendre, pour créer, pour se relier, pour s’alléger, pour être, il l’offre à mes enfants, en leur montrant que l’alignement de nos actes à nos valeurs est l’essence même de la beauté de la vie et facilite une relation positive au réel, même lorsque celui-ci est tragique, il l'offre à mes parents, en les remerciant de l'avoir transmis que la vie est un poème à offrir, il l’offre aux générations à venir, il l'offre en l'espoir d'une société où l'altruisme guidera nos vies et fera battre, à l’unisson, nos cœurs. Avec le souhait que son geste pourrait en inspirer d'autres de faire autant. Les vendredis écologiques de François seront notamment consacrés à la création d'une fresque pour un emploi durable (sain pour soi, sain pour la planète) qu'il réalise actuellement dans le cadre de son engagement associatif. Par ailleurs, François a tout naturellement impliqué Audencia (André Sobczak, José Maillet, et Adeline Ochs) à la réflexion ainsi qu'une bénévole Shifteuse en charge de l'accompagnement humain du PTEF (Plan de Transformation de l'Economie Française). "Je remercie mon employeur, la MACIF, d’avoir compris et accepté cette demande de temps partiel. Merci à toutes celles et ceux qui m’accompagnent, par leur engagement précurseur et inspirant, vers un rythme de vie aligné à celui de la Terre." #mesvendredisécologiques #urgenceecologique #jemeretrousselesmanches #etçafaitdubien
- Get Involved
- Le 18 févr. 2022
#Iconic_Audencians: Marie Francoise Marie-Nelly (GE 78), the unwavering optimist
Marie Francoise Marie-Nelly, Grande Ecole 2001, Country Director for Southern Africa at The World Bank Marie Françoise Marie-Nelly’s life is showered with a series of events that, in hindsight, could be good premonitions. At her boarding school for girls, she used to stand on the balcony admiring the sunset over the bay of Fort de France in her native Martinique. She longed to know where the cruise ships were heading and dreamt of faraway destinations. Later, she crossed the Atlantic Ocean for her post-high school preparatory classes at Lycée Clémenceau in Nantes, France. On her first day, she noticed a memorial plaque inscribed with the following words by the French statesman, Georges Clémenceau, “Without waiting for the future and the fortune of your efforts, roll up your sleeves resolutely, and create your destiny.” This message inspired her entire career. In 1986, when she was studying for her master’s degree at Bowling Green State University – Ohio, USA, she visited Washington DC and, by chance, walked past the headquarters of the World Bank. In a moment of deep awareness, she knew intuitively that one day she would work for this institution. Throughout her life, Marie Françoise has been mindful to perceive, respond and give expression to the signals and opportunities in life, with these signals indeed guiding her deepest motivations and objectives. Her perceptiveness, combined with a sharp mind and tremendous dedication, are probably what helped her achieve her successes and reach the position she is holding today. She has lived by the motto that nothing is impossible when you put your mind and tons of hard work into it. Today, at the head of a large team, Marie-Françoise leads the World Bank’s strategic and operational interventions in Southern Africa, including South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and Eswatini, identifying innovative development solutions and mobilising funding for their implementation. Her accomplishments are impressive, including restructuring and privatising public enterprises in Western Africa, liberalising air transport and telecom sectors across the continent, designing the World Bank’s approach to regional integration for sub-Saharan Africa, identifying complex infrastructure projects, leading the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline project, and structuring the World Bank’s interventions to support the economic transition across the Maghreb countries. Her commitment to development throughout her career has commanded the respect of government representatives, citizens, colleagues, and friends wherever she has worked. Whether through her official positions by fostering economic progress in developing nations, or in her private life, she has always been motivated by a desire to give back and build a better future. Where does she get this unwavering drive and optimism? This optimism is anchored in strong family values given by her parents. Marie Françoise also deeply believes that world progress will be achieved by giving young people a fair opportunity to unleash their potential. Let’s meet a woman with exemplary human qualities, who is equally at ease in advising some of the world’s most powerful leaders as chatting with youngsters from the townships. Read the full article here Audencia's Iconic Alumni It all began back in 2020 when we celebrated Audencia’s 120th anniversary by launching our very first iconic alumni collection. For this second series, we are delighted and proud to showcase 12 new profiles of Audencians from around the globe. The alumni that you will discover have very generously given up their time for an interview with fellow alumna, Katia Hérault (GE 2001), for which we are immensely grateful. Discover all the portraits here
- Business
- Le 23 févr. 2022