Participez à Audencia Talents, le séminaire d'intégration des étudiants de 1ère année !
- Get Involved
- Le 16 avril 2021

Le séminaire d'intégration des étudiants de 1ère année du Master Grande Ecole d'Audencia se profile. L'appel à candidature est lancé !
Audencia Talents a lieu cette année entre le 7 et le 10 septembre auprès d'une promotion de plus 500 étudiants.
Candidatez >
Le concept
Pendant deux jours, les étudiants divisés en demi-promotion et répartis en groupes, apportent un regard neuf et des préconisations aux problématiques stratégiques RSE des entreprises participantes : transition écologique, transition sociétale, nouveaux usages, économie circulaire…
Pourquoi participer ?
• pour développer votre marque employeur,
• pour vous enrichir d’idées sur vos problématiques,
• pour capter des tendances et avoir la vision de vos futurs collaborateurs et clients,
• pour repérer des talents !
Les étapes du séminaire
• compréhension de l'environnement de la marque
• phase de création individuelle
• brainstorming collectif pour proposer des concepts sans limites
• structuration des concepts et sélection d'idées
• présentation devant l'entreprise
• formalisation d'un livrable sous forme de podcast ou magazine
Modalités d'inscription
• envoyez votre candidature avant le 10 mai
• votre participation vous sera confirmée au plus tard le 27 mai à l’issue d’un comité de sélection qui évaluera la pertinence et l’intérêt des problématiques proposées.
A noter
Le format de l’événement (présentiel/distanciel) sera confirmé en fonction des possibilités liées au contexte sanitaire du moment.
Dans la même catégorie
"Le printemps des MasterClass" sur les réseaux Audencia Executive Education !
Vous avez raté une MasterClass ? Pas de panique, on vous porpose toute la semaine de visionner gratuitement les replay des MasterClass Saison 2020/2021. Un thème différent est abordé chaque jour : ✅Transformation digitale ✅Ressources humaines ✅Transition énergétique ✅Stratégie d’entreprise… Retrouvez nos experts et leurs conseils bienveillants pour faire de vous le professionnel agile et performant en toutes circonstances. Depuis votre canapé, votre balcon ou votre jardin, on vous donne rendez-vous online dès à présent ! Retrouvez toutes les MasterClass >
- Get Involved
- Le 14 avr. 2021
#Iconic_Audencians: Dominique de Font-Réaulx, GE 82, a contagious passion for culture
Dominique de Font-Réaulx, Grande Ecole 1982, Director of the Louvre's Interpretation & Cultural Programmes Dominique de Font-Réaulx has held a succession of high calibre positions within the most prestigious museums in France. She was curator of the Musée d’Orsay when, in 2008, she had the opportunity to oversee the Louvre Abu Dhabi project; and in 2013, she became director of the Musée Eugène Delacroix. Since 2018 she has been chief curator at the Musée du Louvre, where she is the director of interpretation and cultural programmes. Always with her fingers in many pies, she not only organises world-acclaimed exhibitions, but also collaborates on a large number of art history books and catalogues. In addition, she is the editor of the “Histoire de l’art” magazine, and also teaches at the École du Louvre and at Sciences-Po. Dominique was a precocious child who taught herself to read at the age of 4, discovered Balzac at 9, and in her teenage years, developed a fascination for 19th-century literature and the history of art. What is perhaps even more surprising is that she joined Audencia. Far from the cliché of the recluse hiding in the library all day, she threw herself full throttle into the school’s social scene and even got elected as president of the student association. After earning an MBA in the US, followed up by 4 years in the automotive industry, her passion for art caught up with her. She didn’t let motherhood impede her efforts and passed the selective entrance exam for the Ecole du Louvre, sometimes taking her toddlers along with her. We discover an endearing woman who combines a taste for the classical arts with a modern outlook on culture. She is devoted heart and soul to sharing her passion for the arts and is constantly coming up with attractive ways of drawing new audiences into the museums. Read the full article here Audencia's Iconic Alumni To mark Audencia’s 120th anniversary in 2020, we have launched our very first iconic alumni collection. Each year we will showcase the amazingly diverse profiles and career paths of Audencians from around the globe. The ten alumni that you will discover in the following pages have very generously given up their time for an interview with fellow alumna, Katia Hérault (GE 2001), for which we are immensely grateful. Discover the first 10 portraits here
- Get Involved
- Le 19 avr. 2021
Autres actualités
"Le printemps des MasterClass" sur les réseaux Audencia Executive Education !
Vous avez raté une MasterClass ? Pas de panique, on vous porpose toute la semaine de visionner gratuitement les replay des MasterClass Saison 2020/2021. Un thème différent est abordé chaque jour : ✅Transformation digitale ✅Ressources humaines ✅Transition énergétique ✅Stratégie d’entreprise… Retrouvez nos experts et leurs conseils bienveillants pour faire de vous le professionnel agile et performant en toutes circonstances. Depuis votre canapé, votre balcon ou votre jardin, on vous donne rendez-vous online dès à présent ! Retrouvez toutes les MasterClass >
- Get Involved
- Le 14 avr. 2021
#Iconic_Audencians: Dominique de Font-Réaulx, GE 82, a contagious passion for culture
Dominique de Font-Réaulx, Grande Ecole 1982, Director of the Louvre's Interpretation & Cultural Programmes Dominique de Font-Réaulx has held a succession of high calibre positions within the most prestigious museums in France. She was curator of the Musée d’Orsay when, in 2008, she had the opportunity to oversee the Louvre Abu Dhabi project; and in 2013, she became director of the Musée Eugène Delacroix. Since 2018 she has been chief curator at the Musée du Louvre, where she is the director of interpretation and cultural programmes. Always with her fingers in many pies, she not only organises world-acclaimed exhibitions, but also collaborates on a large number of art history books and catalogues. In addition, she is the editor of the “Histoire de l’art” magazine, and also teaches at the École du Louvre and at Sciences-Po. Dominique was a precocious child who taught herself to read at the age of 4, discovered Balzac at 9, and in her teenage years, developed a fascination for 19th-century literature and the history of art. What is perhaps even more surprising is that she joined Audencia. Far from the cliché of the recluse hiding in the library all day, she threw herself full throttle into the school’s social scene and even got elected as president of the student association. After earning an MBA in the US, followed up by 4 years in the automotive industry, her passion for art caught up with her. She didn’t let motherhood impede her efforts and passed the selective entrance exam for the Ecole du Louvre, sometimes taking her toddlers along with her. We discover an endearing woman who combines a taste for the classical arts with a modern outlook on culture. She is devoted heart and soul to sharing her passion for the arts and is constantly coming up with attractive ways of drawing new audiences into the museums. Read the full article here Audencia's Iconic Alumni To mark Audencia’s 120th anniversary in 2020, we have launched our very first iconic alumni collection. Each year we will showcase the amazingly diverse profiles and career paths of Audencians from around the globe. The ten alumni that you will discover in the following pages have very generously given up their time for an interview with fellow alumna, Katia Hérault (GE 2001), for which we are immensely grateful. Discover the first 10 portraits here
- Get Involved
- Le 19 avr. 2021