Audencia Around the World is all set to become a year-long event
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- Le 20 mars 2020
On 11 March, Audencia Around the World began its 8-day alumni journey in London. What began as as a global initiative bringing alumni together on all 5 continents, was rapidly overtaken by the global health situation that we are currently facing. Many, if not most of the gatherings were postponed but will be rescheduled. A huge high-five to London, Brussels, Algiers, Toronto and Vancouver who got together in their respective cities while it was still reasonable to do so. We look forward to seeing what the other communities around the world will do later on in the year!
In a few numbers, Audencia Around the World this year was due to include
- 36 events scheduled on all 5 continents
- 51 alumni from all programmes involved in the organisation (a special mention to Archita Praladhka, a former exchange student and friend of Audencia in Mumbai!)
- 18 Audencia staff mobilised to join events
- 1 backstage visit of the Philharmonic in Luxembourg
- 1 gathering in a social incubator in royal company in Casablanca
But also, a definite theme for foodies with:
- 40 cupcakes due to be baked in New York
- 2 cookery workshops in Montreal and Brussels
- 1 brewery visit (and live jazz evening) in Amsterdam
- 1 presentation of a new locally-sourced e-supermarket in Geneva
And not forgetting 6 inaugural alumni gatherings planned in Auckland, Baku, Guadalajara, Lagos, Phnom Penh, Reunion Island.
There are some great stories to tell; a huge thank you to all those Audencians - alumni, interns, students and staff - who contributed to collective effort that will continue until the end of the year. Wherever you are, from Munich to Sydney and from Sao Paulo to Tokyo, our thoughts go out to alumni and their families around the world. We hope you all stay safe and well.
Audencia Around the World held its inaugural event in London at The Driver pub in the heart of King’s Cross. Fifty Audencians past and present answered the invitation from Tristan Pelloux (GE 15), London ambassador, to celebrate the School's 120th anniversary and enjoyed an evening of networking and refreshments in fine company, including staff from Audencia:
- Beatrice du Mesnil, professor and director of the MCI specialised master
- Patricia Munoz-King, international corporate relations manager
- Karyn Mikkelsen-Tillet, fundraising manager
Photo gallery available here - London
Khalida Anad (Exec-MBA 18), Mustapha Khelil (Exec-MBA 19) and Christophe Richard (MBA 05 / DBA in progress) were instrumental in organising the gathering in Algiers. Attendees were mainly from the Executive MBA programme with ESAA in Algiers. The event was a perfect opportunity to catch up on the latest network news. "We marked the celebrations for Audencia's 120th anniversary by organising a gathering" says Khalida. "Pas nombreux mais motivés malgré la situation coronavirus" she concludes.
Photo gallery available here - Algiers
For its second participation in the Around the World festivities, Torontonians made the cut on Saturday 14 March. With the city preparing to stay at home for a while, alumni and friends held a small and friendly gathering which was full of laughter. Organisers Siddharth Akolkar (IMM 10) and Hélène Niyonzima (GE 14) were delighted to re-connect with the lively and dynamic group of alumni.
Photo gallery available here - Toronto
Vancouver's small but perfect gathering brought together 75% of the alumni community in the city. Karl-Stéphane Coyault (GE 98) has only recently arrived in Vancouver and, after attending last year's Around the World in Hong Kong, was eager to connect with alumni there. "We made it!" says Karl, "and we had a great evening!" Brendan Maher (IMM 11), Mathilde Fourcade (EIBM 12) and Karl-Stéphane Coyault (GE 98), met on the Harbour in front of the snow-capped peaks. "The after work drink turned into a dinner and went on late into the night.... we will do it again soon, we have so much still to share about this fabulous city and the opportunities it offers!"
Photo gallery available here - Vancouver

A group of 15 Audencians gathered in Brussels at 'La Cuisine de Flore', owned by alumna Flore Pincemin (GE 04) for a cookery workshop. Giacomo Nocera explains "In the first part of the evening, after a welcome cocktail, we were divided into two groups. The purpose was to work separately on the menu and to be engaged in a sort of challenge: each group was supposed to prepare the same food, but also to prove their food knowledge through a quiz, a food testing contest, and a cream whipping challenge). During these activities, each group participant had the chance to start knowing each other, learn various things (from – apparently – simple, like how to grip and use a big kitchen knife, to more complicated ones, like filling a sac à poche with delicious chocolate), and have a lot of fun. In the second part of the soirée we all sat around the table, ate (and compare) the two groups’ food, drink a good wine, discuss, and celebrate the School."
Alumna Berengère Tripon (GE 98) added "Thank you Flore for your warm welcome and to your team for their ability to teach and inform and to all the participants for their good humour and the discussions we had during the evening. À une prochaine !!"
Photo gallery available here - Brussels
En savoir plus sur ...
Antoine BERTIN
Morgane LEYGUE
Snehanshu VERMA
Seang SOK
Siddharth AKOLKAR
Brendan MAHER
Caria Marla SISON
François BLIN
Rodolphe MORVAN
Laurent NGUYEN
K-Stéphane COYAULT
Flavie LORRE
Audrey TEPPE
Baptiste BASSOT
Sylvère ARTUS
Eva-Maria JEAN
Christophe RICHARD
Jihye JUN
Guillaume FUSTEC
Nathan FEROC
Ogechukwu Samuel MOWETA
Hernando Eleazar ZERTUCHE FAZ
Khalida ANAD
Mustapha KHELIL
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CEO Magazine's Global MBA Rankings recognise the excellence of Audencia's MBA programmes
CEO Magazine has published its 2020 Global MBA rankings. Mickael Naulleau is thrilled to share with MBA alumni that Audencia's MBA Community has been highly recognised for the excellence of its MBA programmes: the Executive MBA (France, Algeria and China) comes third (up 21 places) the Full-Time MBA is in the top tier group worldwide (the magazine does not assign individual places in this category of the ranking). What does this mean for the MBA Community? We can be proud of these results which represent a significant collective recognition and a clear testimony to the relevance of the MBA Community we are developing. What happens next? Our collective objective is now to both maintain this CEO ranking and to reach new successes in other global rankings. How do you expect to achieve this? This will only be possible only thanks to the continued strong engagement of alumni with their School. Being part of Audencia's MBA Community means defending and promoting its brand and programmes, thus contributing to greater visibility and recognition. Mickael Naulleau Director, Audencia MBA Community *In 2012, CEO Magazine launched its annual Global MBA Rankings focusing on MBA programmes. This year >160 business schools from North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the BRICS participated, with an offering of 303 different programmes in 27 countries (77 online, 87 EMBA and 139 full-time and part-time MBA programmes). To see the complete 2020 Global MBA Rankings, follow this link
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- Le 18 mars 2020
Palmarès BC100 : faites d'Audencia l'institution la plus inspirante !
Un palmarès qui vise à distinguer les 100 personnalités et/ou projets les plus inspirants du monde des Grandes Ecoles. Business Cool, le site de référence des étudiants des Grandes Ecoles, lance le BC100, un palmarès qui vous permettra de voter pour vos personnalités ou projets favoris et faire d'Audencia l'institution la plus inspirante ! Les candidats seront distingués dans diverses catégories : - Projet pédagogique - Sport - Humanitaire - Projet personnel - Entrepreneuriat - Artistique - Développement durable - Personnalité influente - Membre de l’administration - Hors catégorie (les profils les plus atypiques) - Trajectoire inspirante et diversité Un prix du public viendra aussi récompenser le ou la candidat(e) qui obtiendra le plus de votes en ligne ! Nombreux sont les talents à Audencia ! Etudiants, membres de l'administration, projets, associations : ce palmarès est l’occasion de faire la promotion de personnalités et d’initiatives exceptionnelles et d’inspirer un maximum de personnes en France comme à l’international ! Ce BC100 est aussi une formidable opportunité de faire rayonner notre institution au sein du monde des Grandes Ecoles ! Dès maintenant et jusqu’au 15 avril, nous vous invitons à distribuer, chaque jour, 5 crédits aux projets et/ou personnalités d’Audencia les plus méritants ! A la clé ? 6000 euros pour les meilleurs projets ! Je vote !
- Get Involved
- Le 23 mars 2020
Autres actualités
CEO Magazine's Global MBA Rankings recognise the excellence of Audencia's MBA programmes
CEO Magazine has published its 2020 Global MBA rankings. Mickael Naulleau is thrilled to share with MBA alumni that Audencia's MBA Community has been highly recognised for the excellence of its MBA programmes: the Executive MBA (France, Algeria and China) comes third (up 21 places) the Full-Time MBA is in the top tier group worldwide (the magazine does not assign individual places in this category of the ranking). What does this mean for the MBA Community? We can be proud of these results which represent a significant collective recognition and a clear testimony to the relevance of the MBA Community we are developing. What happens next? Our collective objective is now to both maintain this CEO ranking and to reach new successes in other global rankings. How do you expect to achieve this? This will only be possible only thanks to the continued strong engagement of alumni with their School. Being part of Audencia's MBA Community means defending and promoting its brand and programmes, thus contributing to greater visibility and recognition. Mickael Naulleau Director, Audencia MBA Community *In 2012, CEO Magazine launched its annual Global MBA Rankings focusing on MBA programmes. This year >160 business schools from North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the BRICS participated, with an offering of 303 different programmes in 27 countries (77 online, 87 EMBA and 139 full-time and part-time MBA programmes). To see the complete 2020 Global MBA Rankings, follow this link
- Get Involved
- Le 18 mars 2020
Palmarès BC100 : faites d'Audencia l'institution la plus inspirante !
Un palmarès qui vise à distinguer les 100 personnalités et/ou projets les plus inspirants du monde des Grandes Ecoles. Business Cool, le site de référence des étudiants des Grandes Ecoles, lance le BC100, un palmarès qui vous permettra de voter pour vos personnalités ou projets favoris et faire d'Audencia l'institution la plus inspirante ! Les candidats seront distingués dans diverses catégories : - Projet pédagogique - Sport - Humanitaire - Projet personnel - Entrepreneuriat - Artistique - Développement durable - Personnalité influente - Membre de l’administration - Hors catégorie (les profils les plus atypiques) - Trajectoire inspirante et diversité Un prix du public viendra aussi récompenser le ou la candidat(e) qui obtiendra le plus de votes en ligne ! Nombreux sont les talents à Audencia ! Etudiants, membres de l'administration, projets, associations : ce palmarès est l’occasion de faire la promotion de personnalités et d’initiatives exceptionnelles et d’inspirer un maximum de personnes en France comme à l’international ! Ce BC100 est aussi une formidable opportunité de faire rayonner notre institution au sein du monde des Grandes Ecoles ! Dès maintenant et jusqu’au 15 avril, nous vous invitons à distribuer, chaque jour, 5 crédits aux projets et/ou personnalités d’Audencia les plus méritants ! A la clé ? 6000 euros pour les meilleurs projets ! Je vote !
- Get Involved
- Le 23 mars 2020