Seoul alumni chapter holds its first gathering of 2020
- Get Involved
- Le 20 janvier 2020

Seoul, one of Audencia's youngest chapters is already clocking up networking events and festivities. Following its official launch during the first edition of Around the World in March 2019, ambassador Siv Pheng Ung (GE 01) relocated from Seoul to London where he is currently finding his feet. At the end of 2019, Siv handed over the ambassadorship to Olivia (Jihye) Jun (IMM 15) who aims to continue the dynamic behind this fledgling alumni community.
Olivia successfully organised the first event of 2020, a joint dinner with alumni from ESSEC. With almost 30 attendees, the concept of alumni events with other French business schools is here to stay.

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Votre générosité = leur réussite. Agissons pour l’ouverture sociale et l'entrepreneuriat étudiant !
Cher(ère) diplômé(e), Connaissez-vous Amélie, Niels, Kévin et Fantine ? Ils étudient sur les bancs d’Audencia. En 2019, ils ont reçu le soutien financier de la Fondation Audencia, des bourses de 700€ à 2 500€ pour les aider à étudier, à monter leur start-up, à partir en stage à l’étranger ou à participer à un voyage d’études. Il y a urgence. Pour sa campagne de fin d’année, la Fondation Audencia fait appel à votre générosité pour contribuer au succès d’étudiants méritants pour lesquels votre don est indispensable. Je fais un don > Ouverture sociale, entrepreneuriat étudiant, Learning Expedition aux États-Unis : quelle que soit la destination que vous lui donnerez, quelle que soit son ampleur, votre don permettra à Amélie, Niels, Kévin et Fantine de transmettre le flambeau en 2020. Notre objectif est de collecter 25 000€. Soutenez les étudiants d’Audencia sur les chemins de leur réussite. Votre générosité = leur réussite, participez à la campagne de fin d'année ! Merci pour les étudiants de votre école. Nous comptons sur vous ! La Fondation Audencia Bénéficiez de réductions fiscales avantageuses : 66% du montant de votre don est déductible de l’impôt sur le revenu. Un don de 100€ ne vous coûte en réalité que 34€ après déduction de vos impôts. Si vous êtes assujetti à l'IFI : bénéficiez d'une réduction d'impôt de 75% du montant de votre don, dans la limite de 50 000€. Pour les entreprises : 60% du montant des dons sont déductibles. La réduction fiscale pour les versements effectués au cours des exercices clos à partir du 31 décembre 2019 sera plafonnée à 10 000€ ou 5% du chiffre d’affaires annuel hors taxe. Un don de 1 000€ ne vous coûte que 400€ après la réduction d’impôt.
- Get Involved
- Le 18 nov. 2019
The Luxembourg chapter continues to grow
Thomas Magnier (GE 2016) has been working in Luxembourg since he graduated from Audencia's Grande Ecole programme back in 2016. When he changed jobs in September 2019 (join Arendt & Medernach in their Advisory branch), still in Luxembourg, Thomas also reconnected with the school. An idea was growing! "I'd been working in Luxembourg for 3.5 years and I'd never heard of any Audencia network meetings there." Thomas says. "I would like to help the Audencia network in any way and was interested in setting up an informal event to see what the response was like." On 21 November, Thomas organised his first alumni afterwork gathering and was delighted by the turnout. "The event was a great success! There were about fifteen of us and it was very well received, many appreciated and thanked me for the initiative. I'm looking forward to organising another one, perhaps in January. The challenge for the moment is connecting with alumni there," Thomas says and has created a Luxembourg LinkedIn group which he invites alumni and interns in Luxembourg to join. As well as the alumni chapter on Together of course! Thomas' next plan will be to come up with an event to ensure that there is a stopover at the Luxembourg chapter during "Audencia Around the World" which will take place from 11 to 20 March. Watch this space! Afterwork #1 Afterwork #2
- Get Involved
- Le 7 févr. 2020
Autres actualités
Go France! Highlight your skills and their relevance to your job application
We are delighted to bring you “Go France”, the guide for international students looking to work in France! Devised and compiled by Audencia’s Career Centre and Alumni team, with the support of the School's student reporters, “Go France” is a valuable resource for internationals considering a career in France after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go France also showcases the experiences of more than 20 international alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job in France. Come and join the Go France launch event in Paris on 6 February when the conversation will go live! Register here In the meantime, discover what Esha Shrestha, MSCPM 17, has to say. About Esha Graduated from the MSCPM 17 programme Originally from Nepal Working as a Sales Reporting Officer at Nissan Automotive Europe in Paris Daily working language ▶ English Native language (s) ▶ Nepali Level of French ▶ Beginner Other languages spoken ▶ Basic French Other degrees ▶ Bachelors in Technology Electronics & Communications Engineering Esha's key advice It is important to highlight your skills and their relevance for the job you are applying for. How it all started Before Audencia, I worked for three years for an IT financial consultancy. After Audencia, I found an internship with Nissan that combined my previous job profile and my newly acquired knowledge in supply chain. Three years later, I'm working on various projects related to supply chain and sales planning and distribution. Most memorable experience The diverse classroom we had with students from all over the world. Getting to know them and doing group projects together. Keeping in touch We have a group on WhatsApp with full class, we are actively talking even after 3 years. Myths & realities Realities: Firstly, speaking French is the most important thing to find an internship in France. If you speak only English, the number of jobs you can apply for becomes limited. Secondly, previous work experience or internships helps to secure a job or internship. Speaking French We have an international culture in my company with people from all across the globe. Learning to manage cultures and differences is challenging and interesting at the same time. I took French lessons provided by the company. Advice and top tips If you do not have prior work experience, it is important that you have some level of French prior to finding jobs in France. Get your copy of "Go France" here CAN YOU HELP? Are you an international alum in France or, are you a French alum working abroad? Do you have a story to tell about your journey and how you secured your job or internship? Do you have advice that you would like to share with current students? If you have answered YES to all of the above, then please follow this link! Thank you
- Career Center
- Le 17 janv. 2020
Go France! Be patient with the administration and the paperwork
We are delighted to bring you “Go France”, the guide for international students looking to work in France! Devised and compiled by Audencia’s Career Centre and Alumni team, with the support of the School's student reporters, “Go France” is a valuable resource for internationals considering a career in France after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go France also showcases the experiences of more than 20 international alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job in France. Come and join the Go France launch event in Paris on 6 February when the conversation will go live! Register here In the meantime, discover what Javier Mendoza Giménez, MBA 15, has to say. About Javier Graduated from the MBA 15 programme Originally from Colombia Working as Senior Project Manager at Orange Business Systems in Paris Daily working language ▶ French, English Native language (s) ▶ Spanish Level of French ▶ Upper intermediate /Advanced Other languages spoken ▶ French, English Other degrees ▶ Telecom Engineer Javier's key advice Be patient with the administration and paperwork! How it all started I had 6 years of professional experience before coming to France. After my MBA, I struggled to find a job in France; it took me 4 months. I finally found an opportunity through a friend who worked at the time in a technology consultancy company. After 3 interviews I was recruited to manage a project entirely in English. Myths & realities Realities: There are jobs in English in France especially in the technology sector. However, it is almost mandatory to speak French at the moment of getting scanning calls from recruiters. They prefer and feel more comfortable to interview you in their native tongue instead of English. Additionally, in the daily office life it is important to speak the language to quickly integrate with your colleagues. In case you don't speak French at the time of doing interviews, I recommend preparing a basic 5 minute presentation speech in French. This will allow you to show the recruiter that you're making the effort and later on in the interview she/he will feel more comfortable to switch to English. Myths: The 35 hour work week is normally for the non-specialised jobs. For the better paid management positions, the working week could be up to 45 hours. My biggest challenge Mastering the French language. Speaking French I was forced to improve my French in order to speak with my colleagues and better integrate with the work team. Advice and top tips Things that could take a day to do in your home country, can take up to weeks here. i.e open a bank account or get a problem in your apartment fixed. Get your copy of "Go France" here CAN YOU HELP? Are you an international alum in France or, are you a French alum working abroad? Do you have a story to tell about your journey and how you secured your job or internship? Do you have advice that you would like to share with current students? If you have answered YES to all of the above, then please follow this link! Thank you
- Career Center
- Le 24 janv. 2020