The photo album of Audencia Around the World is here!
- Get Involved
- Le 26 juin 2019
Audencia is delighted to bring you the Around the World album, a collection of inspiring images from the 31 daring events that took place across the globe last March. This worldwide event could not have happened without the energy and commitment of all those alumni who rolled up their sleeves and organised gatherings in their city – the Audencia Alumni team in Nantes would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who made it possible.
In a nutshell, Audencia Around the World:
- mobilised 56 alumni volunteers in 31 cities on all 5 continents across the globe
- connected with more than 450 participants over a period of 8 days
- tapped into the energy of 35 Audencia faculty and staff who travelled, communicated and supported alumni in the logistical aspects of events
- generated more than 500 tweets with the #Audencia_Worldwide hashtag
- went offline in socks for 14 hours in New York City
But also:
- motivated 306 alumni to create their accounts on
- witnessed the launch of 3 new chapters
- supported 6 new alumni ambassadors
So remember:
- If you enjoyed Audencia Around the World in 2019 and want to be there again next year
- If you weren’t there in 2019 but would like to put your city on the map in 2020
Dans la même catégorie
Cercle des Dirigeants, retour sur l’événement "Handicap & Performance, du sport à l'entreprise"
Jeudi 6 Juin, le Cercle des Dirigeants a proposé un nouveau format de rencontre : un petit-déjeuner débat exclusif, suivi des matchs de tennis-fauteuil à Roland-Garros. Organisé par les deux ambassadeurs, Sébastien Rouzaire (GE 91) et Philippe Serzec (GE 92), l’événement a réuni une vingtaine de diplômés. Lors de ce petit-déjeuner, sont intervenus sur le thème « Handicap & Performance, du sport à l’entreprise » : Florence Alix-Gravellier, médaillée de bronze simple et double aux Jeux Paralympiques de Pékin, N°1/2 simple, double et responsable du pôle Audencia Alumni Et Etienne Cassagne (GE 09), dirigeant de la société de consulting High Five Consulting (qui a notamment travaillé avec des sportifs de haut niveau dont Teddy Riner). À l’issue du débat, les alumni présents ont apprécié la qualité et la richesse de l’échange. Par la suite, le groupe a assisté à un match de tennis-fauteuil à Roland-Garros. Yves Bossy (GE 79) : « Pour cette dernière réunion du Cercle des Dirigeants, inauguration du format « petit déjeuner » avec les témoignages passionnants de Florence sur son parcours de championne médaillée paralympique et sa reconversion, et d’Etienne sur l’accompagnement des sportifs de haut niveau. Cerise sur le gâteau, tout le reste de la journée (pour ceux qui le pouvaient) à Roland Garros ! Personnellement ce fut pour moi la découverte du tennis en fauteuil roulant et je dois dire qu’elles/ils m’ont bluffé par leur niveau physique et technique. Et en fin d’après-midi, flashback une trentaine d’années en arrière avec les matches des Légendes. Merci aux organisateurs pour cette super journée ! ». Philippe Morel (GE 92) : « J’ai été bluffé : par la simplicité et le professionnalisme de Florence dans ses échanges informels avec les anciens d’Audencia, et par ce match de « tennis-fauteuil » qui nous prouve, à tous, que le handicap peut s’effacer pour laisser place au plaisir et à la joie. C’est un bel exemple d’une frontière (le handicap) que la volonté et la passion réussissent à franchir. Merci à toute l’équipe organisatrice pour ce très bon moment d’inspiration ». >>> Galerie photo de l’événement <<<
- Get Involved
- Le 18 juin 2019
RSE, mode responsable - Passez en mode location !
70% des habits de notre garde-robe ne sont jamais portés, l’équivalent de 114€ d’habits dans chaque logement ! Et beaucoup de vêtements ne sont portés que 7 à 10 fois au cours de leur vie*… Alors pourquoi pas louer plutôt qu’acheter ? Rent the Runway, L’Atelier Bocage, Le Closet, Les Cachotières, Le Grand Dressing, Tale Me, Ma Petite Etagère… Les offres d’abonnement et de location de vêtements et accessoires fourmillement pour nous permettre de consommer autrement : privilégier l’usage à la propriété. Ce nouveau mode de consommation en plein essor offre l’opportunité de lutter contre la fast fashion. Cette mode jetable aux collections qui se succèdent à un rythme effréné à des prix toujours plus bas – certaines marques proposent jusqu’à 2 collections par semaine ! – incitant à acheter toujours plus. 100 milliards de vêtements sont produits chaque année dans le monde. Entre 2000 et 2014, la production d’habillement a doublé alors que nous conservons nos vêtements 2 fois moins longtemps Et elle devrait augmenter de +63 % d’ici 2030. Dans le monde, l’équivalent d’une benne de vêtements est jeté chaque seconde*. Pour freiner cette accélération de la consommation et limiter le gaspillage textile, les acteurs du secteur réinventent leurs business models en proposant de nouvelles offres. La location, tout comme l’achat de vêtements d’occasion, sont d’excellentes alternatives permettant de se faire plaisir en renouvelant régulièrement et simplement sa garde-robe, de manière responsable. Alors n’attendez plus : louez vos vêtements ! * Sources : Ademe, Greenpeace, Novethic.
- Get Involved
- Le 1 août 2019
Autres actualités
Go France! Don't forget your long term goal because of assignments coming up
We are delighted to bring you “Go France”, the guide for international students looking to work in France! Devised and compiled by Audencia’s Career Centre and Alumni team, with the support of the School's student reporters, “Go France” is a valuable resource for internationals considering a career in France after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go France also showcases the experiences of more than 20 international alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job in France. This week, discover what Samer Afzal, MBA 17, has to say. About Samer Graduated from the MBA 17 programme Originally from India Working as Sales Process Coordinator at Google in Paris Daily working language ▶ English Native language (s) ▶ Kashmiri Level of French ▶ Upper Intermediate Other language (s) spoken ▶ Urdu, French, Hindi Other degrees ▶ Bachelor of Engineering Samer's key advice Don't forget your long term goal because of the assignments coming up in your programme How it all started I completed my engineering degree in 2011 and joined Fujitsu in India as an Oracle Developer. I then went into a leadership programme which was held across India. I’d always wanted to study in Europe and in 2016, I applied for an MBA at Audencia. Most memorable experience There were many good experiences at Audencia but the one close to my heart is how people from so many cultures, backgrounds and experiences came together, exchanged ideas and became such good friends. Myths & realities Myth: It’s impossible to get a job in France without speaking French. Reality: It’s impossible to get a job in France without speaking French. I've given the same answer for myths and realities; this is why... Each country depends on other countries for resources, international business, export/import etc., and these situations all require some entity to take care of that. This is the case for France. Working in France without speaking French is possible but only if you target the right (international) opportunities. Exhibit your skills in such a way that a company is able to see the international streak in you. However, this doesn’t apply every time and in every situation. Surviving without French may be possible but ‘living’ in the true sense is not possible anywhere if you don’t know the language of the country. Living in France The best surprise I have had so far is how French society is so international yet so traditional. France has done an amazing job in retaining its culture, language and lifestyle. I interact with people at work who are French but value the international setup. They make every possible effort to make me comfortable as I am an international expatriate. Advice and top tips To live in France, you have to ‘live France’ with baguette, wine and cheese being the basics. Go out and meet people. Don’t be scared about speaking in broken French. France is rich in its history and culture. Make the most of it. Get your copy of "Go France" here
- Career Center
- Le 24 juin 2019
Go France! My biggest challenge was to improve my French language skills
We are delighted to bring you “Go France”, the guide for international students looking to work in France! Devised and compiled by Audencia’s Career Centre and Alumni team, with the support of the School's student reporters, “Go France” is a valuable resource for internationals considering a career in France after their studies. Starting with HR professionals’ top tips and debunking the myths and realities of the workplace, Go France also showcases the experiences of more than 20 international alumni who have aced the challenge of finding a job in France. This week, discover what Syed Kazim Baqeri, MBA 15, has to say. About Syed Kazim Graduated from the MBA 15 programme Originally from Afghanistan Entrepreneur currently setting up a business in Nantes Daily working language ▶ English Native language (s) ▶ Persian Level of French ▶ Elementary Other languages spoken ▶ Hindi, Pashto Other degrees ▶ Bachelor in computer science Syed Kazim's key advice My biggest challenge has been to improve my French language skills. How it all started After a degree in Computer Science, my first experience was teaching at the Afghan Institute of Learning in Pakistan. I then returned to my home country of Afghanistan and worked for the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) as ICT Officer then M&E Officer until 2010. After that I started my own business providing ICT solutions for business development and growth. I have been in France since my MBA and am currently looking to set up my own business here. Pastimes I enjoy reading, hiking and travelling. Most memorable experience I went sightseeing with my classmates thanks to ICTeam, the association that helps to welcome international students to Audencia. Keeping in touch My classmates live and work all around the world. We keep in touch through Facebook, LinkedIn and WhatsApp. Myths & realities Realities: You really have to have a basic working knowledge of French if you aim to find a job in France. Myths: Some people say that the French are rude but this is not true! It's more a question of understanding the codes of French conversation. Learn to say "bonjour" when you see a French person for the first time each day and this will certainly help. Speaking French I took French language courses and asked my French friends to correct me if I say things wrong. Next career steps I'm working on establishing my business in France. Advice and top tips Learn French Find connections and constantly be in touch with them Get your copy of "Go France" here
- Career Center
- Le 1 juil. 2019