Alumni walk across the world's longest suspension footbridge in the Zermatt Valley
- Get Involved
- Le 17 septembre 2018
Sandrine sums up the day saying:
“2 hours of climbing before reaching the famous 494-metre long suspension bridge: it takes your breath away, and your legs! None of us felt very brave far above the void (a 10-minute crossing at a height of 85 metres), but what a sense of achievement, a real adventure!”
Sophie and the other walkers all agreed.
“A great moment of sharing and mutual support and lots of fun. Thank you all for a memorable day!” Sandrine concludes.
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Participez à la Parisienne, course 100% féminine !
Joggeuse en herbe ou sportive accomplie ? Peu importe, la distance de la course est accessible. De la Tour Eiffel au Champs de Mars, venez rejoindre l’équipe Audencia Alumni pour courir « La Parisienne » sur une boucle de 6,7km le dimanche 9 septembre, entre diplômées d’Audencia. Venez relever un défi, vous amuser, vous dépenser ou tout simplement passer un bon moment. Nous avons 20 dossards + t-shirts à offrir aux Audenciennes les plus motivées. En résumé : - Vous êtes diplômée Audencia - Vous avez envie de bouger et d’avoir du fun Rejoignez Flavie Lorre et toute la Team Audencia Alumni engagée sur La Parisienne en envoyant un mail à avant le 31 juillet. A très bientôt, Flavie Lorre (GE 98) Présidente Audencia Alumni
- Get Involved
- Le 24 juil. 2018
Alumni ambassadors in China get creative with their ideas and activities
In the space of one month, ambassadors leading alumni communities in China have come up with a new take on activities. Benoit in Hong Kong shared the organisation of a French Grandes Ecoles afterwork event with six fellow ambassadors. The result was a record 120-strong participation of alumni from the seven different schools. For Benoit though, the pleasure was in seeing the diversity of profiles and hearing the different stories. "It's the power of a network that counts," says Benoit. "I was talking to one alum who came to an Audenica afterwork which opened up 5 potential job opportunities for him and as a direct result of this, he is now working in HK." Meanwhile, Qing in Shenzhen held her inaugural afterwork event for the fledgling alumni community in her home city. For Qing, success factors were the welcome message from the Dean which she was able to share with participants and the presence of Audencia professor Valerie Claude-Gaudillat who was on a teaching assignment at SABS at the time. Katherine in Beijing got alumni involved in a hike round Fragrant Hills, the first outside activity for the community there. Eugenia in Shanghai paired up with digital expert Thibault from The Wagon to offer a 2-hour workshop to learn how to create mini-programmes for WeChat. Talking, walking, learning, connecting - the activities in China have all contributed the making the alumni communities stronger and the friendships more lasting. The Audencia Alumni team back in Nantes has enjoyed the pictures of all the events and is looking forward to seeing many more in the coming months!
- Get Involved
- Le 9 nov. 2018
Autres actualités
Audencia alumni in Singapore get together in August
While France was in the middle of its summer vacation and a blistering heatwave covered most of the country, alumni in Singapore didn’t let the local heat stop them from crossing the city for an August afterwork. With 15 alumni – from all programmes, all horizons and all fields of work – sitting around the same table, the atmosphere was lively and friendly. For alumni ambassador Charles-Antoine, the highlight of the evening was the incredible diversity of graduates. “Even several years after graduating, the fact that we all spent time at Audencia, is a common denominator that leads to friendships and professional connections. I’m looking forward to organising another event before the end of this year." he says.
- Keep In Touch
- Le 14 sept. 2018
Promo 78 : 40 ans déjà !
1978 - 2018 40 ans déjà que les diplômés GE 78 ont quitté l’Ecole, avec des souvenirs plein la tête, notamment leur voyage dans l’Oregon. C'est en effet la 1ère promo à partir à l’étranger dans le cadre d’un échange universitaire. Ces 40 ans sont l’occasion pour eux de redécouvrir Audencia ce 28 septembre 2018 et de vivre une belle journée de retrouvailles. Un grand merci à Pascale et Michel Pelé, Ambassadeurs de leur promo, qui se sont activement mobilisés pour organiser cet anniversaire. Au programme : Jardin des Plantes, Musée des Arts, dîner au Salon Nantilus, un bâtiment flottant sur la Loire face au Carrousel des Mondes Marins. Sans oublier de fouler, quelques heures durant, le sol de leurs années estudiantines. Très bel anniversaire !
- Keep In Touch
- Le 21 sept. 2018