Pour une alternance renforcée, soutenez Audencia !
- Get Involved
- Le 16 février 2018
Grâce à votre soutien, Audencia développe une pédagogie toujours plus innovante et ouverte à tous dans des espaces qui se transforment, contribuant ainsi à offrir de belles perspectives d’avenir à ses jeunes talents !
Cette semaine, retrouvez Alizée qui vous plonge au coeur de son alternance au sein du groupe international Barrière.
Jusqu’à fin février, découvrez chaque semaine les projets auxquels vous pouvez contribuer via le versement de la taxe d’apprentissage.
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Dans la même catégorie
Reconnecting with the network, sharing experiences, becoming an alumni ambassador
With Audencia Alumni, graduates choose their level of involvement Martin Manecy (MOS 06) had been working in London for nearly 4 years when he decided to reconnect with Audencia’s alumni community. “I saw an afterwork reunion in London on the school’s alumni platform and decided to go along. It was really interesting – about 15 alumni and some staff from Audencia were there and I caught up on news from Nantes”, he says. Following the afterwork in London, Martin connected with Anna Gerke, head of the MS MOS, sport management programme. Their subsequent discussions resulted in Martin returning to Audencia in September for a networking session with current MS MOS students. “I’m a senior Event Manager for Formula-E Operations, an FIA single-seater championship and the world's first fully-electric racing series” he says. “Coming to share my experience and present my company was very enjoyable” says Martin. “Formula-E has evolved from being a start-up to an international automobile championship and a competitor of Formula 1 racing. My professional path has shown me that you can follow your instincts and stick with what you believe will work for you”. The warm welcome from Anna and the MS MOS students convinced Martin to do more within the network. He has since become class ambassador for the 2006 MS MOS cohort and joined in the celebrations for the 25-year anniversary of the programme at the end of November 2017. “The network is what you make of it” says Martin, “the more you put into it, the more you get out of it”.
- Get Involved
- Le 12 févr. 2018
Sportive et solidaire, Juliette (IMM 15) participe au raid La Saharienne
Juliette, diplômée IMM 2015, participe avec une amie au raid La Saharienne. Par équipe de deux, c’est un raid multisports, 100% féminin et solidaire. Canoë, trail, VTT, descente en rappel, trail de nuit, tir à l’arc, run&bike, swim&run, il y en aura pour tous les goûts ! Derrière ce projet, Lauriane et Juliette soutiennent l’association Trinôme 44 qui a pour vocation de développer des outils permettant l’intégration professionnelle et sociale des personnes atteintes de handicap, dans un cadre professionnel adapté à leur situation. Le premier projet pilote a pris forme en décembre 2016, à l’ouverture du restaurant « Le Reflet » à Nantes, avec comme particularité d’employer six cuisiniers et serveurs porteurs de trisomie 21. Les trois premières équipes remporteront une dotation financière pour l’association soutenue puis trois autres associations seront tirées au sort et recevront 1000€ de subventions de la part de la Saharienne. Lauriane et Juliette sont actuellement à la recherche de sponsors pour mener à bien ce projet. « Comme vous pouvez l’imaginer cette activité engendre des coûts. Nous cherchons le soutien d'entreprises sous forme d'aide financière. En contrepartie, nous pourrons donner une certaine visibilité aux sponsors en mentionnant le nom de l’entreprise sur tous les supports de communication liés à cet évènement. » Il y a plusieurs façons de contacter Juliette pour suivre et/ou soutenir son aventure : via Together, Facebook ou Instagram.
- Get Involved
- Le 26 févr. 2018
Autres actualités
22 February is International Day at Audencia - meet & be inspired by international alumni
Audencia Alumni is delighted to welcome Iuliana Megelea (IMM 10), Tristan Pelloux (GE 15) and Luis Prato (MBA 08) back to Audencia. They have honoured the School with a visit on the occasion of the International Day on Thursday 22nd February. Throughout the day, students will have the opportunity to meet them in dedicated workshop sessions, one-to-one drop-ins and an informal gathering in the Alumni Corner. Make the most of this great opportunity to find out more about international careers! Iuliana (IMM 10) will share her experiences about pursuing a career in France when French isn't your first language. Tristan (GE 15) will share his experience of working in the UK and give you insights into a career in strategy. Luis (MBA 08) will share his experiences about his career path which has taken him from South America to Europe via Africa and discuss how an international career can span several continents. Don't forget to REGISTER for each workshop on Tomorrow
- Career Center
- Le 15 févr. 2018
Design a second-act career: join the webinar on 8th March!
While working lives are getting longer, we spend less time in each job, face a less certain career progression and are more likely to find our roles disappear entirely. For those in mid-career a new approach, focusing on “career agility” is needed. In this webinar, Claire Harbour-Lyell and Antoine Tirard, authors of Disrupt Your Career, a new guide to navigating mid-life career transitions, explain how to move successfully to a second career. REGISTER HERE There are 200 free tickets for alumni and students here via the registration page (use code “AUDstudent” if the free ticket is not shown)
- Career Center
- Le 19 févr. 2018